Gaining Insight to Jim’s life in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
THE PASSAGE Slaves aboard a ship on their forced journey to America. 1.Choose one of the men or women in this illustration. Use the following sentence stem to complete his/her thoughts: I wish… OR I think… OR I feel… 2.Try to use DESCRIPTIVE words that SHOW, DON”T TELL us how the captured the individual feels! Write at least 4 or 5 sentences.
THE ARRIVAL Upon their arrival, slaves were often put on display and sold at auctions. Many times families were separated. 1.Adopt the voice of the man, woman, or child being sold. Write at least 4 thoughts this person may have. 2.After that, adopt the voice of a slave owner and write at least 4 thoughts he is having as he watches and participates in the auction.
THE LIFE This is how many slaves were treated on the plantations. Please write down at least 3 complete thoughts/sentences about how this slide makes you feel.