CSDAT Question 10 Peter Potgieser Sue Probert Mary Kay Blantz
From Sapporo Q10) How do the CEFACT functions (technical specifications) How do the CEFACT functions (technical specifications) fit together and how do they support the CEFACT deliverables? Approach: base the answer to part 2 on the Plenary approved Program of Work for
UN/CEFACT Functions (Technical Specifications) - how they fit together C) CCTS 2.01 Suite CCTS 2.01 (also ISO TS /ebXML Part 8) CCMA UCM XML4CCTS SBDH XML NDRs v. 2.0 DT Catalog D) CCTS 3.0 Suite CCTS 3.0 UCM XML4CCTS SBDH XML NDRs v3.0 DT Catalog A)UMM 1.0 Suite UMM 1.0 …? B) UMM 2.0 Suite UMM 2.0 …?
PoW stated UN/CEFACT Mission & Core Objective Mission ‘To improve the ability of business, trade and administrative organizations, from developed, developing and transitional economies, to exchange products and relevant services effectively, and so contribute to the growth of the global economy.’ Core objective ‘The simplification and harmonization of processes, procedures and associated information flows for national and international trade-related transactions and, in addition, non-trade related areas that seek the benefit of UN/CEFACT standards, recommendations, methodologies and best practice. ‘
PoW stated Key Activity areas ‘In order to achieve its mission, UN/CEFACT undertakes activities in the following broad areas, in response to the needs of countries and international business: Identification and analysis of opportunities to simplify, harmonize, and standardize international trade processes, procedures and information flows within and between countries; Development and maintenance of recommendations, standards and instruments in support of international trade facilitation, in response to the needs of countries and other stakeholders in international business; Outreach to support capacity building to foster implementation of UN/CEFACT recommendations, standards and instruments worldwide, with a special focus on transition and developing countries; Collaboration with other key players involved in trade facilitation activities and organizations involved in standards development, with a view to avoiding duplication of work and to building together an internationally consistent framework.’ Peter02/03/2010 it should be more than (just) a view ! Stakeholders requirements ask for agreements - tangible steps based on the MoU. Peter02/03/2010 The first one - I think - is: get to know the requirements of the stakeholders. What are their needs ? How can these needs be filled in ? Once that is known and has been decided, the next steps may follow.
PoW stated Priority Categories of Deliverables Identification and analysis of opportunities to simplify, harmonize, and standardize international trade processes, procedures and information flows within and between countries; Development and maintenance of recommendations, standards and instruments in support of international trade facilitation, in response to the needs of countries and other stakeholders in international business; Outreach to support capacity-building to foster implementation of UN/CEFACT recommendations, standards and instruments worldwide, with a special focus on transition and developing countries; Collaboration with other key players involved in trade facilitation activities and organisations involved in standards development, with the view of avoiding duplication of work and to building together an internationally consistent framework. Peter02/03/2010 Producing a deliverable is one thing…. Making it available to the stakeholders and have it taken up is another. Communication should, in fact, be a deliverable as well.
PoW stated Key Deliverables (these are made explicit in the PoW - Enhancement and refinement of CCL & related XML Schemas Single Window data harmonization and data modelling Capacity building materials especially for countries in transition International symposium on Single Window and Cross Border Data Exchange in collaboration with Member States and other stakeholders, including international organizations Enhanced cooperation with the European Union and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Collaboration with WTO
PoW Deliverables Summary 37 individually identified deliverables Only 2 have direct dependency on any CEFACT Technical Specifications These are: DeliverableName Tech Spec Dependency Other Dependency An integrated and detailed process and data model of the international supply chain UMM CCTS CCMA CCL & ISCM TBG WGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 17, New standards and recommendations in response to the needs of member States and the business UMM, CCTS, CCMA, UCM, SBDH, EDIFACT Syntax, XML NDRs CCL, UNTDED and UNTDID (EDIFACT Directories)
Determine WHAT is actually needed by appropriately identifying needs of the stakeholders (UN/CEFACT customers) following eBGT advised approach HOW, WHERE and WHEN is then a matter of agreement between UN/CEFACT and its stakeholders including SDOs Next Steps Peter02/03/2010 The UN/CEFACT customers are supposed to express their needs in their language (WHAT); the translation into HOW these needs will be met is done for them, while WHERE and WHEN need mutual agreement