牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块七 · 高二下学期 ). Task 板块:教学设计 — 课件 Unit 2 Reporting on short-sightedness.


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Presentation transcript:

牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块七 · 高二下学期 )

Task 板块:教学设计 — 课件 Unit 2 Reporting on short-sightedness

Unit 2 课件描述: 本课件分两个课时完成。第一课时由八 个环节,第二课时由七个环节组成。每一课时 分三个层次设计:话题热身,主题学习,拓展 延伸。以真实任务贯穿始终,梯度推进,符合 学生能力发展规律。活动贴近学生生活,关注 学生情感,使学习者在知、能 、 情 、 意 等方 面得到全面发展。

Skills building 1 Listening for current situations

--let’s discuss What should we focus on when listening to a report about a current situation?

We should focus on: the current situation an explanation of the situation reasons why the situation exists how the situation can be recognized and the problems solved

Step1: Completing notes Listen to a TV programme on the current problem of short-sightedness, which is very common among Chinese teenagers today. Please finish the following notes based on the information given. --Let’s listen

Answers to Part A 1. short-sightedness 2. increasing % % % % % 7. 32% % 10. distant 12. reading 11. image 13. bed 14. rooms 15. information 16. protected

-- Let’s listen and talk Listen to the tape again and talk about the following questions: 1. How can short-sightedness be corrected? 2. What is recommended when someone wants to get contact lenses or to have laser eye surgery? Why ? 3. What will happen if short-sightedness is not discovered and dealt with?

Answers: 1.Short-sightedness can usually be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, or in some cases with laser eye surgery. 2.It is recommended to wait until adulthood to get contact lenses or to have laser eye surgery because by then the eyes are less likely to change.

3.The children’s education can suffer and their health is affected in some ways.

--Let’s read Read the article about what No.1 Secondary School has been doing to protect students’ eyesight and write the correct letters in the left column.

No. 1 Secondary SchoolNo. 9 Secondary School reminding students to do ____________both at school and at home introducing_____________ ___________type of paper looking out for students with_________________ eye exercises adjustable chairs changing eyesight problems f. d. a. h. j

--Let’s listen further Listen to a radio announcement about what No.9 Secondary School has done to help protect students’ eyesight and complete the right column in the table above.

--Let’s learn

1. current adj. of the present time The word is no longer in current use. 这个词现在不再使用了。 currently: adverb They are currently having talks. 他们现在正在举行会谈。 current affairs: plural noun = political news about events happening now

2. hold v. (1) to contain or be able to contain sth. Modern computers can hold huge amounts of information. 现代电脑能够容纳大量的信息。 (2) to take and keep sth. in your hand or arms Can you hold the bag while I open the door? 我开门的时候你能拿一下包吗 ?

3. adjust v. (1) to change sth. slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. 如果椅子太高,你可以调整一下以来适应你。 (2) to arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath and walked into the room. 她整整衬衫,深吸一口气,走进房间。

adjustable adj. able to be changed to suit particular needs The height of the steering wheel is adjustable. 方向盘的高度是可以调整的。 adjustment n. a small change She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera. 她把摄象机的焦距进行了一些小小的调整。

4. so (that): conj., adv. used before you give an explanation for the action that you have just mentioned Leave the keys out so (that) I can remember to take them with me. 把钥匙留在外面以便我记得随身带走。

We want to rent a bus which can _______ 40 people for our trip to Beijing. (2006 全国 II) A.load B. hold C. fill D. support --Let’s practise

I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early _____ I can have time for a cup of tea. (2005 北京 ) A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that

--Let’s think If you only had three days to see, what would you like most to say to your friends?

--Let’s consolidate Homework Collect further information concerning teenagers’ health problems and write a brief report on one of them.