Tutorial: Mechanic - electrician Topic: Technical training II. class Transistors 1 Prepared by: Melichařík Lubomír Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
TRANSISTOR -is a semiconductor device, comprising of a pair of PN junctions. -is the foundation of today’s integrated circuits such as memory, processors, etc.
TRANSISTOR -basic properties of the transistor is the ability to amplify small changes in voltage or current. -transistor effect was discovered and the transistor invented on
TRANSISTOR -semiconductor crossing transistor is a structure corresponding to the connection of two diodes in one device. -every transistor has (at least) three electrodes
BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR -has (at least) three electrodes, which are designated as a collector, base and emitter -according to the arrangement used of semiconductors type P or N we distinguish two type, NPN and PNP
Electrotechnical schematic symbol for the NPN transistor A simplified model of an NPN transistor Symbolic representation of two semiconductor crossing transistor NPN diodes.
Electrotechnical schematic symbol for the PNP transistor A simplified model of a PNP transistor Symbolic representation of two semiconductor crossing transistor PNP diodes.
1. What is a transistor? 2. What are the basic properties of a transistor? 3. When was the transistor effect discovered? 4. How many electrodes does a transistor have? 5. Name the basic types of bipolar transistors
1. Draw the schematic symbol for the NPN transistor and the simplified model. 2. Draw the symbolic representation of two semiconductor crossing transistor NPN diodes. 3. Draw the schematic symbol for the PNP transistor and the simplified model. 4. Draw the symbolic representation of two semiconductor crossing transistor PNP diodes.
Václav MalinaPoznáváme elektroniku I. Adrian Schommers Elektronika tajemství zbavená. ISBN