Satellite Systems In The Local Universe 안홍배 Morphology and Environment of Nearby Galaxies 안홍배 ARCSEC Workshop 22-23, Jan 2006 SDSS KSG Hiwon, 2008
Galaxy Zoo
Dwarfs: dE, N dE dEpec dEblue
Blue dwarf ellipticals
Morphology and Luminosity of dwarfs
Colors and magnitudes of dwarfs
Density distribution
CAS plus
Sersic index
Concluding Remarks Morphology is an integral property of a galaxy that reflects its formation and evolution process as well as its dynamical structures. The local background density is a critical parameter that controls the galaxy morphology. There is no difference between the dwarf irregulars and blue dwarf ellipticals except for the apparent roundness. Thus, apparent shape does not play decisive roles in defining galaxy morphology.
In case of satellite galaxies Ann, Park & Choi (2008)
Need more versatile classifier to differentiate barred galaxies from non- barred ones and lenticulars from ellipticals.
Blue dwarf ellipticals