What is Stress? Stress: Reaction of the body and mind to something in everyday life. Stressor: Cause of stress. Eustress: Stress that produces positive effects. Distress: Negative Stress
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Types of Stressors Physical: Anything with caffeine - Contains substances that mimic the sympathetic stress response.
Types of Stressors 2. Vitamin Depletion Stress causes the body to use a higher level of certain vitamins for the nervous & endocrine systems to function properly. Vitamin B deficiency may lead to anxiety, insomnia, cardiovascular weakness, stomach irritability, & muscle weakness. Vitamins B & C are reduced by excessive stress over a period of time.
Types of Stressors 3. Hypoglycemia (state of low blood sugar) Symptoms include headache, dizziness, trembling, increase cardiac activity. Reactive hypoglycemia: caused by high intake of sugars within a limited amount of time. Functional hypoglycemia: meals are missed.
Types of Stressors 4. Salt: causes fluid retention 5. Smoking Nicotine is a symphathomimetic agent Smoking uses up levels of vitamins E & C 6. Temperature 7. Illness or injury
Types of Stressors Environmental Noise Crowding Heights Tests Life Events Occupation Weather
Teen Stress
Types of Stressors Psychological Fear, emotions Frustration Control (executive monkey) Overload Personality Traits (Type A/B) - Pattern of behavior that has been related to cardiovascular disease.
Types of Stressors Social: Isolation Support System
Violent Situations