The Satellite Market & ASTRA Coverage in Czech Republic Year End 2007 Market Development Department, March 2008
2 Reception Modes in Czech Republic Year End 2003 to 2007 Source: SES ASTRA, Czech Satellite Monitor, GfK Prague +7.1% -1.4% -4.3% -7.2% +8.9% +0.8% +12.4% +9.3% -7.6% +6.2% -1.9% -0.9% +25.5% -14.8% +47.8%
Market Development Department, March Reception Modes in Czech Republic Year End 2007 Base: 0.71 Mill. DTH/SMATV Households Base: 4.23 Mill. TV Households Reception ModesSatellite Reception Source: SES ASTRA, Czech Satellite Monitor, GfK Prague
Market Development Department, March ASTRA Household Coverage in Czech Republic Year End 1997 to 2007 Source: SES ASTRA, Czech Satellite Monitor, GfK Prague +14.1% +4.3% -3.4% +9.0% -11.8% -8.3% +4.6% -25.8% +13.2% +18.6% +37.1%
Market Development Department, March Market share of Satellite Systems in Czech Republic in % of DTH/SMATV Households – Year End 2007 Base: 0.71 Mill. DTH/SMATV Households Source: SES ASTRA, Czech Satellite Monitor, GfK Prague ASTRA market share in DTH/SMATV 81.2%