Understanding the Literature on Problem Analysis A look into the role of affect in problem solving frameworks Albert Huynh CEEA Canmore, Alberta
Today’s Presentation Will Cover… Why Problem Analysis? Impacts of Affect Current State A Look into the Future 1
Required as a CEAB Graduate Attribute “Identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems” One of the key takeaways of engineering education “What do engineers do? Solve problems!” Big problems to solve Why Problem Analysis? 2
Performance = Cognition + Affect We largely focus on the former 3
Improved creative problem solving performance Evidence from Duncker’s Candle Task and Remote Associates Test Implications for mathematical problem solving Studies on computational estimation Potential for improved diagnostic ability Shown through studies of medical diagnostic processing Appropriate Affect Facilitates Problem Solving 4 Isen, A.M., Daubman, K.A. Nowicki, G.P., Positive Affect Facilitates Creative Problem Solving. J. of Personality and Social Psych. 1987:52(6):1122 McLeod D.B., Adams V.M. Affect and Mathematical Problem Solving: A New Perspective, Springer; 1989 Young, M.J., Isen, A.M., Estrada, C.A., Positive Affect Facilitates Integration of Information and Decreases Anchoring in Reasoning among Physicians, Org. Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 1997:72(1):
Problem Solving Structure Presentation Frameworks Steps Tools Problem-Based Learning Project-Based Learning Engineering Design Polya’s Model Scope, Concept, Detail Understand, Devise, Carry Out, Check e.g. Ideation Methods, Decision Matrix e.g. Self-reflection 5
McMaster Problem Solving (MPS) Strategy MPS Engage Define Stated Problem Explore Plan a Solution Do it Evaluate Check & Look Back 6 Woods, DR., Problem- based Learning: How to Gain the Most from PBL, Woods, Waterdown, ON, 1994.
Acknowledge the need for affective phases Identify appropriate tools for effective practice Implementation and testing lies on practitioners of engineering education Frameworks of the Future 7
Affect and Problem Solving McLeod, D.B., Adams, V.M. Affect and Mathematical Problem Solving: A New Perspective Problem Solving Frameworks Woods, D.R. An evidence-based strategy for problem solving. J. for Engr. Educ. 2000:89(4): McMaster Problem Solving Program mps-programhttp://chemeng.mcmaster.ca/mcmaster-problem-solving- mps-program Further Reading 8
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