Integrating Resources Cataloging Workshop Instructors Place/Date 1-1
1-2 Welcome Introductions Logistics Overview of Schedule
1-3 Goals for the IR Workshop 1. Understand the concept of integrating resources 2. Identify participants, distinguish them from serials and monographs 3. Apply AACR2 rules for original description of IRs 4. Code MARC records for IRs 5. Update existing records for changes to IRs
1-4 Goals for the IR Workshop 6.PCC policies and practices related to integrating resources Understand Provider Neutral Record for e-IRs CONSER Standard Record for IRs LC/PCC guidelines for repeatable 260 field (implemented on 9/1/09)
1-5 Outline of the Workshop Session 1: Introduction to IRs Session 2: Tools & decisions Session 3: Original cataloging of IRs Session 4: Working with cataloging copy Session 5: Modifying records for IRs
1-6 Outline of the Workshop Optional Sessions: Session 6: Issues in cataloging loose- leaf IRs Session 7: Selecting electronic IRs and options for access
1-7 Session 1 Introduction to Integrating Resources
1-8 Goals of Session 1 1. Review background on the development of integrating resources 2. Define & identify IRs 3. Understand how IRs relate to monographs & serials 4. Know when to catalog a resource as an integrating resource
1-9 Background Major factors to revise international standards (AACR, ISSN, ISBD) beginning in 1997 New types of electronic resources emerged Need new serials and loose-leafs codes Desire to harmonize internationally to promote record usage
1-10 Background Efforts to revise AACR2 from A complete revision of AACR2 Chapter 12 and other changes in 2002 Most MARC changes have been implemented LCRIs revised & BIBCO/CONSER documentation available online
1-11 SerialsMonographs Former Bibliographic Landscape
1-12 The Need for New Concepts Not included in AACR2 before: Updating resources (Web sites, databases, and loose-leafs) Now called Integrating Resources
1-13 The Need for New Concepts Integrating resources differ from serials in how they are issued, which require separate cataloging rules IRs exhibit a high degree of seriality, and need to be closely aligned with serials
1-14 The New Bibliographic Landscape Integrating resources Serials Continuing Resources Monographs
1-15 The Need for New Concepts Continuing Resources (for both serials & IRs) have no predetermined conclusion the title of Chapter 12 AACR2 new name for the serials fixed field in MARC records used for both serials and IRs the scope of ISSN
1-16 Representation of Bibliographic Resources in AACR2 Finite resources Monographs Multi-parts Serials Parts remain discrete Integrating resources Updates do not remain discrete Continuing resources
1-17 Finite Resources Finite resources Monographs Multi-parts Serials Parts remain discrete Integrating resources Updates do not remain discrete Continuing resources
1-18 Monograph Definition Multipart Item A bibliographic resource that is complete in one part or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts. A monograph complete, or intended to be completed, in a finite number of separate parts. The separate parts may or may not be numbered.
1-19 Continuing Resources Finite resources Monographs Multi-parts Serials Parts remain discrete Integrating resources Updates do not remain discrete Continuing resources
1-20 Continuing Resource Definition A bibliographic resource that has no predetermined conclusion. Umbrella concept to group serials and IRs Provides a collective term Title for AACR2 Chapter 12
1-21 Serial Definition A continuing resource that is issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion.
1-22 Serial Definition A continuing resource that is issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion. Examples: journals, electronic journals, newsletters, annual reports, newspapers, monographic series
1-23 Integrating Resource A bibliographic resource that is added to or changed by means of updates [that] do not remain discrete and [that] are integrated into the whole Can be finite updating or continuing indefinitely. Definition
1-24 Three Major Types of IRs Integrating Resources Updating databases (WorldCat, ProQuest) Updating websites (CONSER website, Library website) Updating loose-leafs (AACR2, Law reporters)
1-25 Updating Database 2009 version 2007 version
1-26 Updating Website 2005 version 2009 version
1-27 Updating Loose-leaf 2002 ed ed.
1-28 Integrating Resources May Be Continuing or Finite Some IRs are finite in scope Examples: ALA 2008 Midwinter Web site (has a predetermined conclusion) See Chapter 12 in AACR2 for guidance: Both are cataloged the same The distinctions not useful to patrons
1-29 Finite Updating Web Site
1-30 Integrating Resources vs. Serials The primary difference: Serials issued in discrete parts Integrating resources issued with updates that do not remain discrete
1-31 Integrating Resources vs. Monographs The primary differences: Monographs Single item: fixed, static Multipart: issued in discrete parts
1-32 Resource May Be Mono or Serial Online monographic document Online journal
1-33 Exercises For each of the resources in the next several slides, answer the following questions: 1. Is this a monograph, a serial, or an integrating resource? 2. Why or why not?
1-34 Resource A
1-35 Resource B
1-36 Resource C
1-37 Resource D
1-38 Resource E
1-39 Resource F
1-40 Resource G
1-41 Resource H
1-42 Iteration Definition An instance of an integrating resource either as first published or after it has been updated
1-43 Differences in Cataloging Serials First or earliest available issue Successive entry (a new record is created)
1-44 Differences in Cataloging Serials First or earliest available issue Successive entry (a new record is created) Integrating Resources Latest iteration Integrating entry (same record is updated)
1-45 Before Cataloging… Will the e-resource be issued/updated on a continuing basis? If no, catalog as a monograph. may be complete in one part; or a finite number of parts; or may have been corrected.
1-46 Before Cataloging… Will the e-resource be issued/updated on a continuing basis? Catalog as a serial if added as discrete issues; Catalog as an integrating resource if updated into a whole.
1-47 Before Cataloging… Is the resource a direct access e-resource? If Yes, then it cannot be an IR CD-ROMs IRs Ongoing CD-ROMsSERIALS, even when cumulative
1-48 Before Cataloging… Is the resource issued in loose-leaf format? If Yes, cataloged as a serial; an integrating resource; or a monograph depending on the Type of Issuance.
1-49 Before Cataloging… If the resource is remote, can you access any earlier issues or updates? If yes, treat as a serial, or as a multipart monograph.
1-50 Before Cataloging… If the resource is remote, can you access any earlier issues or updates? If no, consider to be integrating
1-51 Summary Many e-resources and loose-leafs are IRs, -- not monographs Direct access resources (e.g., CD-ROMs) issued in successive parts are serials LCRI 1.0 provides guidance