Bullying and Harassment Be a hero, take a STAND Speak out against bullying Tell an adult when you see someone being bullied Always set a good example Notice when others are left out Don't let your friends bully others
Guidance Counselors O Mrs. White O Students with the last name A-K O Mr. Conover O Students with the last name L-Z
Today’s Lesson O Bullying Prevention O What is bullying? O What do you do if you are bullied? O What do you do if you are the bystander? O Sexual Harassment
What is Bullying? O Bullying is an ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment that is repeated and intentional where there is an imbalance of power.
Bullying is Intentional and Repeated… O It must be repeated O A one time instance of name-calling or physical aggression may… O Be rude O Be wrong O Get the person in trouble O But it is only bullying if it is repeated and ongoing. O It must be intentional
Bullying has an imbalance of power O Ways for there to be an imbalance of power: O Size, strength O Number (ex: 3 vs. 1) O Perceived imbalance (financial) O It does not matter if the bully says they are “joking around” O Video Video
Types of bullying… O Physical O Excluding someone on purpose O Verbal / Relational Aggression O Rumors or gossip O Using words or actions to intimidate someone O Threats (including phone calls/ s / texts) O Teasing about body, intelligence, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other characteristic
Cyber-bullying is against the LAW O Cyber-bullying is willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of electronic information and communication devices such as s, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, cell phones, and others. O It could constitute a computer crime.
If you are a victim of Cyber- Bullying O Save the evidence O Tell an adult O May need to tell police (Officer Grady) O Since they are anonymous cyber bullies may not feel any boundaries to their cruelty.
What To Do If You Are Bullied/Harassed O Be Assertive: Tell the person you don’t like it and to stop O Report it— O If it doesn’t stop tell a parent, friend, teacher, counselor, principal, trusted adult O Remember you have the right to file a complaint-it is against the law O Keep a record of the incidents O Don’t blame yourself
BYSTANDER O Take A Stand Video Take A Stand Video
BYSTANDER O As a bystander you are very powerful!!!! O If it is SAFE-- become a defender of a targeted person O Resist any temptation to join in or laugh O Speak up O Say kind words, invite that student to sit with you during lunch O Get help from a trusted adult, offer to go with targeted person for help
Reporting and Resolving Complaints O Reports will be appropriately investigated O Reporting is confidential O Consequences will be implemented if someone is found to have bullied O Cameras
Harassment O Sexual Harassment O Harassment against any individual on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical characteristics is prohibited by the district policy, federal, and state law O Verbal-Spreading rumors, name calling (such as gay, lesbian). O Written-Notes, Graffiti O Text messaging, s, Facebook, websites O Physical-Touching someone’s body without their consent O Harassment can occur one time or many times
Remember O Each person gets to determine what is offensive to them. O Every student has the right to feel comfortable at school.
South’s Bullying Rules 1. We will not bully others 2.We will try to help students who are bullied when it is safe to do so. 3.We will include students who are left out. 4.We will tell an adult at school and an adult at home when we see someone being bullied.
O South is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from discrimination, insult, intimidation, or harassment. O Discrimination and harassment are prohibited by federal law, state law, and school district policy. O If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please see Mrs. White or Mr. Conover