Why We Need Anti-Bullying Laws By Ethan, Logan, Tate, and, Julia
After school on Maple Street, Henry wasn’t expecting anything else but to get bullied by Wayne. Henry has been getting bullied by Wayne for the last six weeks.
Henry’s best friend Logan has tried to help with Henry’s situation with Wayne. Logan’s help wasn’t enough to keep Wayne away.
Wayne’s backup bully, James, has been teasing Wayne as well. Henry felt it was time to tell his mother Mia who works for the government.
Mia had concerns about bulling getting out of control throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile, Henry was getting bullied on the playground. Julia is one of Henry’s classmates. Also a bystander, Julia was concerned and confused as to whether she should help Henry or not.
The next morning, on Henry’s way to school. He felt sick to his stomach and felt scared to enter the school building because of Wayne.
Although Henry’s problem wasn’t getting any better. His mother Mia’s ideas were skyrocketing. Mia thought that passing a law against bullying would help decrease bullying.
During Mia’s lunch break at the government, Mia took time off to report to Governor Smith. Governor Smith was very busy, but he took time off to talk to Mia.
“My son Henry has been getting bullied for the past few weeks.” Mia said fiercely.
Governor Smith understood Mia’s concern about bullying. “How often is your son getting bullied?” asked the governor. ? ?
After many questions and conversations they agreed to make a law about bullying.
The law included no teasing, cyber bullying, physical violence, and respecting each other. Having Fun with friends
After many weeks of hard work they were able to get the law passed.
Mia went to many schools across the state of Pennsylvania including Henry’s school, to warn tell about the law.
Wayne and James were nervous about the new law, and thought they might get in big trouble.
Wayne and James eventually get in trouble for bullying by the school principal. After that, Henry didn’t get bullied anymore.
The law got around the state of Pennsylvania. Other governors found out and set the law for their state.
GLOSSARY Bulling~ being picked in continuously. Laws~ rules set through out the state you have to follow. Respect~ Treating others like you would like to be treated. Bystander~ someone who sees something but doesn’t report it. Reporting~ telling an adult about something that your seeing.
RESOURCES Google Images PowerPoint