IT Essentials 1 Chapter 12 JEOPADY Questions by R. Prensky and students Pinetree Secondary School Coquitlam, BC, Canada
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Preventative Maintenance Browser / Browser / config config Windows XP Windows XP Installation XP Config / XP Config / Management Definitions Potpourri ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
Question Location of System Tools Preventative Maintenance 100 A: What is Start > All Programs > Accessories
Question A: What is 3 am? Default time for Windows update to download recommended updates. Preventative Maintenance
Question A: What is system and registry? Restore points contain information about ________ and ________ settings. Preventative Maintenance 300
Question A: What is Disk Cleanup? This utility can help you locate and delete temporary files Preventative Maintenance 400
Question A: What is a device driver error? A Blue Screen of Death error is usually caused by this. Preventative Maintenance 500
Question A: What is Tools / Internet Options? Menu path to change settings in Internet Explorer. Browser / Config
Question A: What is caching? Speeds up the process of accessing previously visited websites. Browser / Config. 200
Question A: What is Outlook Express? The program that comes bundled with Windows. Browser / Config. 300
Question A: What is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)? The format for text that only uses ASCII encoding. Browser / Config. 400
Question A: What is POP3? This protocol does not leave a copy of the on the server. Browser / Config. 500
Question A: What is default installation? Requires minimal user interaction. XP Installation 100
Question A: What is custom installation? Prompts the user for detailed information. XP Installation 200
Question A: What are Regional Settings and Network Settings The two screens during a custom installation that offer custom selection during setup. XP Installation 300
Question A: What is unattend.txt? The answer file used in an unattended installation. XP Installation 400
Question A: What are Remote Installation Services (RIS)? Downloads the installation across a network. XP Installation 500
Question A: What is one? Number of partitions that can be designated as active. Configuration/Management 100
Question A: What are File Extensions? Choose to show ______ in order to avoid security breaches from disguised files. Configuration/Management 200
Question A: What is Disk Defragmenter? Helps to optimize the files on the hard drive. Configuration/Management 300
Question A: What is Disk Management? Displays information and performs services such as partitioning and formatting disks in Windows. Configuration/Management 400
Question A: What is C:\temp, C:\tmp, C:\windows\temp, C:\windows\tmp, C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\local settings\temp List 3 of the 5 places temp files are usually found. Configuration/Management 500
Question A: What is a NOS (Network Operating System)? OS that contains additional features to increase functionality and manageability in a networked environment Definitions 100
Question A: What is refresh rate (measured in Hz)? Determines how often the image in the screen is redrawn. Definitions 200
Question A: What is a File System? Partition structures such as NTFS or FAT32 Definitions 300
Question A: What is Virtual Memory? A swap or page file that is constantly read in and out of RAM Definitions 400
Question A: What is SMTP? Transmits s across a TCP/IP network only in ASCII encoding Definitions 500
Question A: What is Return or Enter? Press _______ after typing CMD at the CLI prompt Potpourri 100
Question A: What is 3.5GB? The minimum hard disk space for LINUX Potpourri 200
Question A: What is Second Partition? Create ____________ to be able to dual-boot the computer. Potpourri 300
Question A: What is UNIX? Mac OSX is based on ____________ Potpourri 400
Question A: What is SP2 (Service Pack 2)? A set of patches for Windows XP that enhances the security by limiting the damage done by zombies Potpourri 500
Question A: What is the OS Deployment Feature Pack using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)? Dramatically simplifies deployment of an operating system across the organization Final Jeopardy