Please take out your “One Survivor Remembers” discussion questions, make sure your name is on it, and pass those forward. You will also need to take out your notebook and label Entry 10 “Bystanders”
1. In each scene, who were the bystanders? 2. Did these bystanders harm or help others, or were they neutral? How so? 3.How might different actions of the bystanders have changed the events in each scene? Choose one scene.
4. What happens if we are silent when we witness an act of prejudice, injustice or violence against another person? What happens when we do nothing in the face of such things? 5. Was there a time when you were a bystander to violence, whether physical or verbal, such as a classmate being bullied. What did – or didn’t – you do? What would you do differently? 6. What forces, internal and external, keep us from taking actions in such moments? Are some more excusable than others? What can be done to diminish the forces that keep us from taking action?
7. Why do you think Bauer presents being the bystander as the worst role to take? “Thou shalt not be a victim, Thou shalt not be an oppressor, But most of all, thou shalt not be a bystander”
8.Is it worse to be a bystander or worse to be an oppressor?