Parity Funding Beyond the Basics
Parity Funding- Historical Recap Formula Allocations Hold Harmless Agreement Advent of Performance Funding “One Time” Adjustment
Parity Funding Current Funding Levels Total MRR$1.3 Billion Appropriations $694 Million Overall Funding Level 52% (based on MRR)
Parity Funding Funding Levels by Sector Based on MRR OverallLowest Highest Research Universities56% 50%59% Teaching Universities53% 38%65% USC Regionals52% 43%63% Technical Colleges45% 41%67% All Sectors52%
Parity Funding Challenges: Difficulty in Reallocating Resources Lack of Increases in Funding
Parity Funding Major Issues What is Parity? Equal Funding Levels? Where we were before the budget cut? Minimum Level of Funding? Relative Range?
ParityFunding Major Issues – continued: When do we begin to address parity? Now? When new funds are available? What portion of new funds?
Parity Funding Other Considerations What about Performance? Target vs. actual fees? Should we consider other revenue streams? Pending changes to the MRR? Budget Cuts?
Parity Funding How do we get there from here? Wait until times are better? Start slowly now? Peter and Paul?
Parity Funding Funding Levels by Sector:Considering Based on Actual Fee MRR Revenues Research Univ.56%75% Teaching Univ.53%79% USC-Regional Campuses53%68% Tech. Colleges45%65% Overall52%73% Lowest Funded38%46% Highest Funded67%83%
Parity Funding Funding Levels by Sector Considering Actual Fees OverallLowest Highest Research Universities75% 52%75% Teaching Universities79% 63%83% USC Regionals68% 60%78% Technical Colleges65% 46%78% All Sectors73%