Edugate Glenn Wearen HEAnet.
Summary 1 year Pilot Project / 2 years in production All IoT’s, Universities, Colleges, but only half of HEAnet’s members Core service at some institutions but light use at others
So, where to now? 1.Extended Attribute Schema 2.Higher Identity Assurance 3.Strong Authentiation 4.Account Provisioning 5.Cross institutional groups 6.New Identity Protocols 7.Statistics 8.Bilateral Trusts 9.Expansion beyond HEAnet 10.SSO for non-web applications 11.Aggregated identities 12.Logout
1. Extended Attribute Schema Students Do you have photos? Can I tell if a user is part-time/full-time? What course is the student pursuing? Staff Cost-center code (for eProcurement) ResearcherID AuthorID Availability calendar Telephone number
2. Higher Identity Assurance Would you use Edugate for eProcurement? On-campus (cross charging for campus services) Shared procurement portal (Shannon Consortium Procurement Network) External suppliers ( Service Provider will seek assurances that the identity is sufficient quality to underpin a cardless financial transaction
3. Strong Authentication Passwords are the root of all e-vil Easily shared Easily forgotten Frequently exposed No common password policy Password changes not enforced
3. Strong Authentication SSO helps to eliminate passwords Consolidating onto a single (or single+1) credential allows for strong authentication 2-factor authentication / strong password policy SSO systems can protect sensitive resources re-authentication ‘step-up’ authentication
4. Account Provisioning On-campus, provisioning is a minor problem, but, for cloud/hosted/outsourced services provisioning is a significant problem Invitation systems require; address of all potential users -1 time url approval workflows -open URL
4. Account Provisioning Bulk provisioning Handling of bulk files a significant risk Out of Sync almost immediately De-provisioning rarely handled Accounts created for users who might never login
4. Account Provisioning Just-in-Time provisioning Standards emerging Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) But, service Providers familiar with; LDAP Enter username/password, authenticate, query for attributes Oauth Enter user ID, authenticate, get token, query for attributes API Enter a user identifier, query for attributes, forever
5. Cross institutional groups Cross institutional/federation groups (Virtual Organisations) Identity provider doesn’t know all the collaboration or projects that a user participates within. This makes it authorisation difficult for Service Providers (e.g. Project Portal)
5. Cross Institutional Groups Establish an Edugate group repository; this can be queried by IdP’s during the preparation of attributes for an assertion this can be queried by SP’s provided the repository has a user identifier Self-asserted group membership Group membership approvals or invitations.
6. New Identity Protocols OpenID Connect Addresses weaknesses and shortcomings of OpenID OAuth2 Allows retrieval of user data when user is not present WIF Predominant identity protocol for Microsoft services
6. New Identity Protocols Should Edugate add new protocols? Cost? Benefit?
7. Statistics and Monitoring Are my users able to access service X? Why are my users accessing service Y? How come I’ve no users from institution A? Why are we so popular with institution B? What is the most widely used Edugate service? What is the least most used service? Is Edugate being used? or being used more?
7. Statistics and Monitoring Is IdP X up? Are there high rates of attrition? Are [staff|students] able to authenticate?
8.Proliferation of bilateral trusts There are 29 bilateral trusts in Edugate, why don’t these services join Edugate? Maybe not required (single institution) Tender awarded, Edugate not in the tender SP not a legal entity Google Apps, Millennium, Blackboard Learn.
9. Expansion beyond HEAnet? More identity providers will mean more service providers Private Colleges Health Services Sector (HSE/Hospitals/CPD) Industry Research Centers (Intel Labs / SFI participants) 2 nd Level schools
10. SSO for non-web SAML works well within the browser, but, Outside the browser, it requires client support Native client support Outlook Claims based authentication Or, with Moonshot; Common library support (GSS/SASL/SSPI)
11. Aggregated identities Institution holds validated identity data and enrollment status. This can be aggregated or augmented with self-asserted data from other sources; Social ID’s (Profile Pictures, friends, interests) Group membership repository
11. Aggregated identities Facebook/Twitter/Google hold self-asserted identity data. This can be aggregated or augmented with verified user data from other sources :-p
12. Logout Clicking on ‘Logout’ what should happen? Logout of the application, but IdP session persists (Local Logout) Logout of the application, redirect to IdP session killer page (partial logout) Logout of the application, redirect to IdP session killer page, trigger logout of all services (global logout)
12. Logout Or should the SP force re-authentication at the IdP after the logout button has been used (if the IdP supports it.
So, where to now? 1.Extended Attribute Schema 2.Higher Identity Assurance 3.Strong Authentiation 4.Account Provisioning 5.Cross institutional groups 6.New Identity Protocols 7.Statistics 8.Bilateral Trusts 9.Expansion beyond HEAnet 10.SSO for non-web applications 11.Aggregated identities 12.Logout