Public Opinion & Polling Discussions & Activity Chapter 11.1
What is public opinion? Why is it important to our democracy? The attitudes and beliefs held by a significant number of Americans. Importance: – Drives the concept of Republic – Emphasizes the Will of the majority – Sets the public agenda – Determines direction of public policy
Sources that influence public opinion Personal Background – Demographic factors affect opinions: Men think differently than women; income shapes opinions; Race shapes views; occupation affects views, age and world experience also shapes opinions. The Mass Media – Images, poignant stories, bandwagon issues, and watchdog stories all shape public opinion
Sources that influence public opinion Public Officials – The President is the biggest shaper of public opinion. He communicates directly with Americans through the media. This is called the “Bully Pulpit.” – Franking privilege helps members of Congress communicate with constituents. Interest Groups – Lobby members of all branches to support their group’s views. Use mass media to get out their message.
3 features of public opinion Direction – Do people generally feel negatively or positively about a topic? Intensity – How strongly do people feel about a topic? Do they feel vehemently or ambivalently about the topic? Stability – How likely are opinions about a topic likely to change?
Polling Basics To truly measure public opinion, the sample must be reflective of the diverse nature of the population. – Random sampling helps ensure diversity; everyone has an equal opportunity of being polled. Push polling is when the pollster asks a loaded question to elicit the response they want from the sample. – These polls are biased and unreliable. – Wording must be neutral without a right or wrong answer to properly measure public opinion.
Why are polls not always accurate? Biased sample Uninformed sample Biased question Biased pollster Bandwagon issues
Polling Activity You & a partner will choose a topic on which to gauge the class’s opinion. No two groups may poll on the same topic. Phrase a non-biased question about your subject by which to gauge the class’s opinion. This should NOT be a yes or no question! Poll the class as your sample. Interpret your results.
Final Product Requirements – Write the question at the top of the paper. – Using a bar graph, plot out your results, visually displaying the view and the number holding the view. – Label the bar graph with an easily identifiable legend. – Determine the direction of the class’s opinion and explain your assessment. – Analyze the intensity of the class’s opinion. – Assess the stability of the class’s opinion. Include what you feel may or may not change the views of your classmates. Due at the beginning of class tomorrow. Do the research today. Complete the product before tomorrow.
Assignment Read chapter 11.2 to complete the organizer on the media. Due tomorrow.