3.1.2 6S Visual Workplace Process The purpose of the 6S visual workplace process is to place ongoing and continuous focus on workplace organization and effectiveness. 6S VISUAL WORKPLACE PROCESS PPT report Setup Preparation Implement Audit Feedback Develop Annual 6S Implementation Plan and schedule Communicate 6S plan 6S Audit results Create incentive program Repeat annually Train all work areas in the 6S process Provide coaching and assistance Establish 6S scorecards in each work area Repeat regularly Work areas schedule and implement 6S in a series of scheduled work events Weekly audit results go on the work area scorecard Collect feedback and improve process Areas Addressed 3.1.2 6S Visual Workplace Process – How does your organization ensure effective deployment of 6S Visual Workplace strategies for workplace organization? How are the 6S status, process flow, production status, employee training status, and continuous improvement effort clearly displayed and visible in the office and factory floor? How does your organization ensure that work areas are kept consistently free of dirt and clutter? How are improvements reviewed and recognized? 4/24/2017
A process for creating and maintaining an What is 6S? A process for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, and high performance work place, which serves as a foundation for continuous improvement activities 4/24/2017
LP-1312 6S Process 4/24/2017
3.2 WI 002 – Set in Order 3.3 WI 003 - Shine 3.4 WI 004 - Standardize LP-1312 6S Process 3.1 WI 001 - Sort 3.2 WI 002 – Set in Order 3.3 WI 003 - Shine 3.4 WI 004 - Standardize 3.5 WI 005 - Sustain 3.6 WI 006 – Safety 3.7 WI 007 – 6S Audit form 3.8 WI 008 – Training 3.9 WI 001-1 – Form 1 3.10 WI 004-1 – Standardize Sustainment Schedule form 1 3.11 LP-1312 Floor marking procedure(Done).doc Our internal procedure LP-1312 4/24/2017
Things not needed ever again Things not needed in the first place Things not needed now Things not needed here Things not needed ever again Things not needed in the first place Things not needed any more 4/24/2017
RED TAG General Information Date: ___________ Tagged By:_________ Date: ___________ Tagged By:_________ Item Name: __________________________ Location: ____________________________ Category (Circle applicable) Equipment Raw Materials Tools and Jugs work-in-Process Finished Goods Stationary, etc. Instruments Other Consumable Materials Machine parts Reason for Red Tag __Not required __Aged/Obsolete __Defect __Other __Scrap Other: _________________________________ 4/24/2017
Red Tag Register 4/24/2017
One Step Rule: Ideally nothing is stored more than one step away One Step Rule: Ideally nothing is stored more than one step away. This improves efficiency by eliminating lost time. 45 Degree Rule: Immediate work area minimizes twisting, especially for work benches. If something weighs more than a few pounds, position it beyond immediate reach. 4/24/2017
Strike Zone Rule: Store things above the knees and below the chest Strike Zone Rule: Store things above the knees and below the chest. This reduces back strain and other height associated risks. Weight Rule: Locate heavy items to eliminate bending, stooping or unnecessary arm movement. 4/24/2017
“Best Practices” LABELING 4/24/2017
6S Sustainment Schedule Month _______________________ Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Equipment ID Person Responsible Activities to perform Audit Frequency Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday 4/24/2017
Sustainment action log 4/24/2017
RESPONSIBILITY MAP 1st shift - 2nd shift - Weekend - 4/24/2017
4/24/2017 -SORT 1. Is the cell environment uncluttered? 1. Is the cell environment uncluttered? ___1.Tools, material, equipment, is all over the place, nothing has a home. ___2.We know clutter is an issue and started working on a plan to clean up. ___3.Clean up is in process. ___4.Just completed clean up and sorting process. ___5.Sorting systems are working and clutter is under control. 2. Are all materials and tools stored neatly? ___1.Material and tools are not in any form of organized storage. ___2.We know material and tool storage is an issue and started working on an organization plan. ___3.Putting away all unused tools and materials, organized work areas. ___4.Just completed organization process ___5.Material and tool storage is under control. 3. Are provisions and parts identified with status and properly stored? ___1.Hardware, spare and/or samples parts are not marked or stored. ___2.We know provisions and parts identified are an issue and started working on a control plan. ___3.Organization and identification of provisions and parts are in process. ___4.Just completed origination and identification of provisions and parts or organization and identification are being preformed but could be improved. ___5.Organization and identification of provisions and parts are under control 4. Was employee 6S training provided and documented? ___1.Employees are not trained. ___2.We are planning the training of our employees. ___3.Training is in process. ___4.Just completed basic 6S training, but more detailed training will be needed. ___5.Employees are performing their 6S tasks as required. 5. Are unnecessary personal belongings properly stored, away from public areas? ___1.We have no process to control employee belongings. ___2.We know personal belongings are an issue and started working on a plan to clean up. ___3.Storing of employee’s personal belongings is in process. ___4.Just completed storing of employee’s personal belongings or we have some controls in place but they could be improved. ___5.Employees have been keeping their personal belongings out of public areas. Sort Total Score:_____ Class A 25-23, B 22-20, C 19-16, D less than 15 4/24/2017
QUALITY DEPT – 6S AUDIT RESULTS Q3 2012 Score: 122 Goal: 148
IN N OUT BRAZE – 6S AUDIT RESULTS Q3 – 2012 Score: 94 Goal: 148
QUESTIONS 4/24/2017