11/5/20151 Assessment at California Baptist University Annual Assessment of Student Outcomes (ASO) Program Reviews (every 5 years) Long-range Planning Integration Other co-curricular assessment Alumni involvement in assessment Other-constituent involvement
11/5/20152 Schools and Departments develop SLOs for each major or program with “critical assignments” and evaluation rubrics Students produce “critical assignments” in noted courses using pictured rubrics as guide as well as suggested formats, etc. Assignments are shared with professors for evaluation Curriculum Map I = Introduced; P = Practiced; D = Demonstrated Schools and Departments complete the Curriculum Maps to link SLOs with particular courses in which specific critical assignments will be evaluated Professors provide guidance in syllabi, and direct critical assignments based on School/Dept planning Profs evaluate student’s critical assignments using rubrics, etc. In LiveText, the rubric results are gathered for ALL that are evaluated using that rubric Results are analyzed & will help identify strengths and weaknesses in curriculum, pedagogy, methods, etc. Plans for improvement are implemented and assessment continues. External constituencies will be canvassed to validate outcomes & SLO listings. Schools and Departments develop plans for curricular improvement. Annual Student Outcomes Assessment Process Goal: Continuous Improvement of the Learning Environment
11/5/20153 Course/Program Curriculum Map A tool for a “3-dimension” look at your curriculum related to student performance Can be linked to evaluation rubrics Rubrics can be used for both formative and summative evaluation The SLO list should identify what it means to earn a degree in the associated program Curriculum Map I = Introduced; P = Practiced; D = Demonstrated Schools and Departments complete the Curriculum Maps to link SLOs with particular courses in which specific critical assignments will be evaluated Schools and Departments develop SLOs for each major or program with “critical assignments” and evaluation rubrics
11/5/20154 Student Learning Outcome Evaluation Only about 1/5 of SLOs need to be evaluated each year. The SLOs must have associated Means of Assessment and Measures of Success The Means of Assessment identify What, Where, When and How evaluation will be done The Measures of Success identify what level of performance must be attained to indicate “all is well” in the program Students produce “critical assignments” in noted courses using pictured rubrics as guide as well as suggested formats, etc. Assignments are shared with professors for evaluation Profs evaluate student’s critical assignments using rubrics, etc. In LiveText, the rubric results are gathered for ALL that are evaluated using that rubric The ASO PLAN Due: November 15th
11/5/20155 So What?=>Program Improvement Levels of “success” achieved will result in: –Declaring All Is Well –Modifying/Improving Curriculum –Reviewing/Adjusting Pedagogy –Developing new methods –Involving more constituencies –Modifying assessment procedures, SLOs –Etc., etc. Schools and Departments develop plans for curricular improvement.
11/5/20156 Document it! The Assessment Yearly Report (YReport), due May 30 th. All the good news about expected performance All the good news about plans to achieve expected performance All the good news about PLANS!
11/5/20157 Program Reviews A five-year cycle Accumulated results for all ASO cycles--a comprehensive review A comparative curriculum review An “industry standard” review A review and comparison of “capacity” data A site visit from an expert in the field A report combining all of the above
11/5/20158 Long-range Planning Integrate ASO process into unit planning AND Budgeting Include how you are doing this in ASO reports Be sure to include input from external constituencies Keep track of progress (historical record)
11/5/20159 WHY? Continually Improve the Learning Environment –To Improve –To Prove –To Inform Promotes the “Culture of Continuous Improvement”