Math Curriculum Mapping How can we efficiently develop a Problem Based Math Curriculum that deeply covers all the required standards?
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Warm Up – Creating a “Math Most Wanted” List of Standards 11/5/ NTAC 2011 Math Training Project Briefcase Echo: NTN Math Problem Based Learning Course
Session Goals Create a “Top 10 Most Wanted” linking math content standards with problems/projects. Calibrate ourselves to the onslaught of information Collaborate to develop curriculum maps with what we’ve learned this week: Problem Based Learning Formative Assessment Math Literacy Examine sample PrBL Unit & download PrBL Unit template to our Echo course Share curriculum maps with like-content area Workshops as needed
Problem Based Learning A potentially useful mode of instruction that : immediately and apparently engages student in math content deeply maintains fidelity to your SWLO
Formative Assessment Lessons (Modules) An available set of activities that promote best teaching practices in math, including: Questioning techniques Managing group work Student analysis of student work Aligns with common core
Literacy in the Math Classroom Every Problem Unit or Project must have a literacy task and associated scaffolding. Let’s Get Started! Literacy Support Center
The goal Student engagement in the math content Problem Based Learning Formative Assessment Lessons Literacy in the Math classroom
Curriculum Map Sample and Template
Identify Standards Think outside the box of your traditional pacing guide What standards might fit together in a real world setting? Choose some standards you want to start with, maybe some that you already have a problem idea for If you’re drawing a blank, this might help… Standard(s)/ Key Concepts Real life situations frontback Remember: This is NOT set in stone. You are brainstorming, gathering and processing ideas.
Potential Action Items for the rest of our time here Start here: in groups of 3-5 discuss the math concept you shared to the google form After that, you may wish to…. Begin work on a curriculum map for a unit, work collaboratively Continue your discussion on problem ideas with your table Small group workshops on any or all of the initiatives Today and going forward: post in the Echo Discussion board: solicitation for problem ideas & problems