© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Introducing and implementing a new data editing strategy Introduction of the new concept Implementation and test of a combined macro and selective editing method
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Changes induced by the new German data editing concept 3 IT-tools and materials for the planning of data editing A test of a macro and selective editing method, development of automatic editing methods A new training concept New treatment of errors: Distinction between influential and marginal errors Replacement of the “case-view” by a “distribution-view” Introduction of more statistical analysis in the data editing process Implementation of mathematical-statistical methods in data editing processes
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Introducing a new data editing concept in a decentralised statistical system Activities: Priority setting among the changes: Specification of checks, test of selective editing methods and automatic editing Focus on target groups and satisfy their needs -> internal advertising Information campaign before and after the implemention process Coordination of the implementation and the beginning of the training Monitoring of the first year after the implementation and adjustments One testing office first – other offices after a „period of adjustments“ Conclusions: Intensive information campaign worked well New tools need training and especially more consulting as expected
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Selective editing for the survey on costs of the producing industry Central, annual survey among companies of the producing industry 56 characteristics (costs, turnovers, consumption of raw material, number of employees, and paid salaries) Statistical results as sums of costs and sales for branches and categories of number of employees Preliminary results of around 12 variables to EUROSTAT in October of a current year, dissemination of results 18 months after the start of the survey
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Design of the Selective Editing Method Stratification similar to the results: NACE branches, level 5 and five categories of the number of employees Comparison between raw and estimated plausible values : Values of the previous year for the same companies Number of employees from the enterprise register Medians / Means of strata for new companies Inclusion of 16 characteristics with different methodological and subject matter oriented weights Different permissible plausiblity deviations Minimal error score per stratum as stopping criteria
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Final result of the test of the selective editing method Reduction of the mean plausibility deviation per variable
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Priority setting by the macro editing method Part. Corr.-Coefficients, n = (Strata) P > |r| under H 0 : Partiell Rho=0 Factors of the macro editing method Spearman Rankorder Corr.-Coefficient Pearson Correlation Coefficient Contribution of a stratum to the total result 0,930**0,932** Scatter of the error scores0,859**0,479** Projection factor0,672**0,022 Rel. deviation of the results between curr <> prev year 0,853**0,096* Basis: Data after the dissemination of the preliminary statistical results **: emp < 0,0001 * : emp < 0,01 Rho = Rho ~ t(n-k-2) n: strata; k: partial excl. var
© Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Research and Development in Federal Statistics, Elmar Wein Federal Statistical Office Data Collection Data Capture Data Editing light Contin. Scanning Man. Data Editing Projection Analysis ProjectionTabulation ProjectionTabulation Preliminary Results Standard Results Automatic Data Editing Projection Analysis - No Scale - Projection Analysis Projection Analysis Data Capture Ordinary Checks Respondents Statistical Office Complete. Checks Optimised work flow of the data processing for the survey on costs