…..now what?
1. Grade in which they are enrolled 2. Chronological age 2
Make sure you fully understand the concept of the CCSS, CCC, and Essential Understanding Talk to a content area expert such as a general education teacher Check the NCSC Content Modules to : Review/learn more about the concept Identify essential vocabulary Find related ideas organized around the principles of UDL See real-world applications and CCR standards Check the Element Cards to: Review/learn more about the concept Find instructional strategies Find suggestions for supports 3
Group the CCCs according to those you think are: 1. Readily achievable 2. Realistic but will take some time and thought 3. So far away that you wonder when or even if the student will ever reach them 4
Use the Learning Progressions Frameworks to identify what gaps in understanding your student may have Use the Instructional Families to see how CCCs relate to each other within and across grades 5 Plan your individualized instruction, especially on the CCCs you placed in groups 3 & 2 (see previous slide)
Look at the Learning Progressions Frameworks to compare your student’s progress toward the standards to typical pathways of most student’s and identify any gaps in your student’s knowledge Use that information to: Think about how you might instructionally fill those gaps OR Provide supports and/or scaffolds to help your student work through or around those gaps 6
Look at the Instructional Families to see how the prioritized CCCs connect with: Other related CCCs at the same grade level CCCs at earlier grade levels CCCs at future grade levels Use that information to: Use related CCCs to support the prioritized ones AND Support the ongoing concept development 7
Find out when according to your school’s curriculum map the concepts that contain the CCCs will be taught Find opportunities to pre-teach the CCCs you placed in groups 3 & 2 to your student well before they come up according to the curriculum map schedule 8
Use the general education curriculum as your base for Materials Activities Strategies You can find NCSC general education resources in the Content Modules Curriculum Resource Guides Universal Design for Learning Units 9
Use UDL to develop or analyze previously developed lessons 1. Review the lessons to be taught, incorporating as necessary, additional Means of representation Means of expression Means of engagement 2. Identify any barriers that your student might encounter 3. Plan for removing/reducing those barriers by providing Adjustments to the instructional materials, activities, and/or strategies (don’t change the content!) Additional supports and/or scaffolds 10
Provide additional direct instruction If you are using the NCSC UDL units 1. Provide instruction through the Concept Reinforcement Activities (CRAs) embedded within most lessons 2. Go back to the lessons themselves If you are using other general education units or lessons 1. Use the NCSC UDL units as a model, develop and use CRAs of your own as necessary 2. Go back to the lessons themselves Implement a SASSI (LASSI or MASSI) Evidence–based instructional strategies are referenced and used with the CRAs and the SASSIs. Specific information on each of these strategies can be found in the NCSC Instructional Resource Guide. 11
Remember that teaching standards differs in many respects from “traditional” special education instruction. Focus is on concept development versus skill mastery Concepts get instructionally revisited/retaught/ reviewed throughout the school year Concepts build year after year Concepts are like puzzles You see what the picture is when you get enough pieces You don’t have to have all the pieces to get the picture 12