Happy New Year!!!! Welcome Back – January 6, 2014 Get a Textbook from behind the boards Take your seat – if you are new to class see me and I will give you a seat. Takeout out a piece of paper Begin Warm-Up Warm-Up Think about how you did last semester in all of your classes. Write one paragraph that answers the following questions: 1.How did you do last semester? Why 2.Develop a goal for this semester and explain what you will have to do to reach it. It’s a great day to be a Mustang
Today’s Agenda Semester reflection Course Syllabus / Curriculum Map Unit 7 vocabulary Homework – Finish vocabulary (Quiz tomorrow or Wednesday)
Term & PicDefinition Re-define in your own words Unit 7 Vocabulary Ch. 7 Sec Colossus 2. Alexander II 3. Crimean War 4. Emancipation 5. Pogrom 6. Duma 7. Refugees 8. Bloody Sunday (pg 250) Vocab Quiz Tomorrow or Wednesday Ch. 11 Sec Proletariat 10. Soviet 11. commissar 12. Cheka