EUROPE between 1648 and 2000 A.D. Click once and you will se the map of Europe as Europe emerged from the Treaty of Westphalia in Do you recognize any of the countries? Click again and you will see the map of Europe on the eve of World War I in Do you recognize any more countries than you did on the first map. Do you know which states were empires, and which states were democracies? Which modern countries are divided between Russia, Germany and the Austrian Hungarian Empire. Do you know which countries have kept the same name up to today? Click a third time, and you will see Europe on the eve of the Second World War in Compare this map with the map of Europe in What new countries were created after World War I. Which countries occupied these new countries? Do the new countries cover the same territory that the pre-1914 Empires occupied? Click a fourth time, and you will see a Europe divided as it was during the Cold War. What happened to Germany after World War II. Can you find where the Iron Curtain went? Which countries were under Soviet control? Which belonged to the Western democracies. Do you know which countries in Europe were in NATO? Click a fifth time and you will see Europe as it is today. How many European states are there in 2000 A.D. Which of these are democracies? Can you find the states that are members of the European Union? Do you know which states hope to enter the European Union? Looking over the changing map of Europe, can you give any explanations as to why these states want to belong to the Europe Union?