Science Notebook Assembly Instructions
Table of Contents Left Side PagesRight Side Pages Pg. # Do this setup for the first 2 pages of your notebook. FRONT side of the pages ONLY.
Syllabus Page 1 st RIGHT SIDE page after table of contents. Put staples in the upper and lower left corners so you can still read both sides. This is page 1. Put #1 in the lower right corner of your syllabus.
Left Side Description Page Glue in Left Page Description on the back of the page you stapled your Syllabus. This is page 2, put the page # in the lower left corner of this page after you have glued the page in.
Right Side Description Page Glue in Right Page Description on the page opposite page #2. This is page 3, put the page # in the lower right corner of this page after you have glued the page in.
Left/Right Side Summary Activity Write the above heading on the back side of page #3. This is page 4. Write the page # in the bottom left corner of this page. Skip this page for now…we will come back to it later.
Left Side Activity List Take the 3 activity pages and put them in order. Staple the top 2 corners of these pages together opposite page 4. This is page 5. Write #5 in the bottom right hand corner of the top activity page.
Notebook Sample Rubric Take the rubric half sheet and paste it on the back of the page with the Left Side Activity List. This is page 6. Write #6 in the lower left hand corner of this page.
Notebook Requirements Take the requirement half sheet and paste it on the page opposite the rubric page. This is page 7. Write #7 in the lower right hand corner of this page.
Numbering Continue number your notebook pages just like we have until you reach page 60. You will need to continue numbering pages as we use them…this is just to get you started.
Update Table of Contents Turn back to your table of contents and update it with the pages that we just entered.
Table of Contents Left Side PagesRight Side Pages Pg. # Left Side Instructions Left/Right Side Summary Activity Notebook Sample Rubric Syllabus Right Side Instructions Left Side Activity List Notebook Requirements NA
Index Turn to the inside back cover of your notebook. Glue in your index
Points Page Turn to the front inside cover of your notebook. Glue/staple/tape in your point page
Sample Cornell Notes Page Turn to page 9 in your notebook. Glue in Sample Cornell Notes Page. We will start with this tomorrow.
Left/Right Side Summary Activity (4) Left SideRight Side Read page 2. Draw at least 3 pictures (4 colors min.) that show some examples of what may go on a Left Side Page. List the purpose of a Left Side Page and at least 2 things they should have. Read page 3. Draw at least 3 pictures (4 colors min.) that show some examples of what may go on a Right Side Page. List the purpose of Right Side Pages and at least 4 things they should have. Summary: Write a 5 sentence summary of the purpose and use of the Left and Right Side Pages.