Number the TOP of the pages not the bottom. Start with 1. Flip to page 2 (the back of page 1). Label this 2L (L is for left page). Label the side opposite 2R (R is for right page). Then the back of 2R should be 3L. The side opposite of 3L should be 3R. Number The Pages 2L 2R
Page 2L and 2R Label the top of the pages “Table of Contents” Table of Contents
How To Set Up Your Interactive Notebook Page Number (Left)Page Number (Right)Lesson Title Date: I Can: Password: Copy Power-up Questions Answer Power-up Questions TEACHER NOTES (INPUT) The LEFT page is for writing down information you are given in class (INPUT). When the teacher lectures or when you are reading from a text, your notes ALWAYS go on the left side. You must use Cornell Notes on the left pages. What could go on the LEFT side? Notes from class, reading, video, discussion Vocabulary Basic Knowledge Questions Examples, Scenarios Teacher Demonstrations STUDENT NOTES (OUTPUT) The RIGHT side of the page demonstrates YOUR understanding of the information from the left side page. You work with the input, and INTERACT with the information in creative, unique, and individual ways to make OUTPUT. The right side helps focus your attention and guides your learning of the science content and concepts. What could go on the RIGHT side? Brainstorming Writing Prompts Graphic Organizers, Flow Charts Pictures, Drawings, and Diagrams Lab Experiment Analysis ***Note: if you can’t fit all or your notes on the left side-- you may have to fit them here too! Copy Exit Questions Answer Exit Questions
4L On this page create a cover page for the Scientific Method Unit. Color it--make it your own. Simple or elaborate its up to you! 4R For now, leave this page blank.
5L 5R Science Skills: Part 1 Date: Sept. 14th, 2009 I Can: describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations. Password: Quantitative observations have to do quantities and numerical measurements. Power-up: 1.___________intelligence is when you believe your intelligence can grow by working hard. 2.___________ intelligence is when you believe you are born smart, average, or dumb and it stays that way no matter how hard you work. Notes: Science Skill: OBSERVING Observing means using one or more of your senses to gather information. Your senses include: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Observations can be either qualitative or quantitative. QUALitative Observations Qualitative observations give a quality or property of the thing being observed. QuaNtitative Observations Quantitative data, describes an object numerically Quantitative observations are things you actually measure. Height, weight, number, etc... are all quantitative. Exit Question: No Exit Question today. Rules and Procedures Quiz. Your First Notebook Entry Adopt-a-Lime What is a qualitative observation? QualitativeQuantitative