Classroom Procedures How to make things run smoothly for you without the hassles!


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Presentation transcript:

Classroom Procedures How to make things run smoothly for you without the hassles!

Entering the Classroom a) Find your seat and have materials (assignment, books, pencils, pens and notebook) b) Place backpack under your desk c) Use the 3 minute preparation time

Let’s Get Going! 3 Minutes and Counting! On your desk Sharpened pencil Agenda open to today’s date AR book Journal Homework

How to head your paper a) Information on LEFT side b) Include: Your name, date subject/period c) Assignment name

Sample Assignment Heading Joe Jackson Language Arts Period 2 Adjectives September 15, 2007

Bell Work It is your task when you enter the room Complete it without being prompted Be ready to share your bell work response Finished early? READ!!

If you are tardy a) Have signed slip from teacher or office b) All other tardiness is UNACCEPTABLE Detention will be issued for chronic tardiness

How to conduct yourself during instruction a) Have journal ready for note taking and examples b) Focus on the lesson c) Listen carefully to and follow directions d) Make an honest effort to understand e) Ask sensible questions at an appropriate time

When you need to sharpen your pencil a) Sharpen pencil before instruction b) Have a spare pencil c) During instruction raise pencil (I will replace it)

Interruptions: When Visitors enter the room or the phone rings Continue with the assignment I have given you It isn’t an opportunity to talk with your friends

Your agenda a) Bring it daily b) Write the homework assignment for the class under the correct space daily c) If there is no homework, write NO HOMEWORK

Your journal a) Brought to class daily b) Used daily c) Bell work written in it daily d) Place the appropriate heading in daily Yes... EVERYDAY e) Can not be used for any other subjects

When in need of help a) Raise your hand UNTIL you have gotten my attention b) Continue to work, be patient I will address your question c) Ask 3 before me

The Zones: Red, Yellow, and Green Zones what do they mean? Red= completely quiet Used during direct instruction, test, some writing assignments Yellow= Quieter speaking Used during independent work time Green= Speaking to small group members Used during Group discussions, small group projects, games

Don’t take on a Garfield attitude! Take control of YOUR Future

Building a Foundation for Life! I can equip you with the tools necessary to form a strong foundation to build your success on! Which home will you build your foundation on this year?