Cuadernos Interactivos Mrs. Wright’s Clase de español
Purpose of Interactive Notebooks The purpose of the “Cuaderno Interactivo” is to enable you to be a creative, independent thinker and improve proficiency in español. They will be used for class notes and for other activities where you will be asked to express your own ideas and process the information presented. This notebook is different from a traditional notebook because it requires you to think about everything that you write or draw in it.
A Few Words of Wisdom You will be sharing and displaying your notebooks with other classmates This notebook will represent you - your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Take pride in your work! At the end of the year you will be amazed at the notebooks you will have created! Notebooks will count 25% of your grade!!
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain notebook assignments from either Your class folder Another student The sample notebook “What if I’m absent?”
Are You Ready? This year will be many things to many people but dull, boring, and uneventful is not going to be one of them. All activities will not appeal to all tastes, but they are designed to teach content, encourage creativity, and more than likely challenge your way of thinking and doing. Success begins with you and requires your commitment, so leave all of your excuses outside the door and enter with a willingness and enthusiasm to share, learn, and develop new ideas.
What Materials Will I Need? ONE 70 page spiral notebooks Scissors and glue Pens – blue or black Pencils with erasers Colored pencils I have these materials if you forget but its always better to use your own.
Did you see the glue????? We will not make Toaster Strudels.
We will glue our work in our notebooks using the “dot method.”
Interactive Student Notebook Set-Up Cover –Name (first and last …use a Sharpie) –Title of Class Intro Spanish/Spanish I –Class Name Los Tacos, etc.
Make your cover now Name (first and last) Señora Wright Title of Class Intro to Spanish/Spanish I Class Name Los Tacos
Next set up your Cuadernos Interactivos 1) Open notebook and glue the Table of Contents to the back of the cover. 2)On the first lined page, you will create an “Author’s Page.” Include words or pictures that represent you.
Tarea Complete your author page. Remember to be creative.
Number Pages The pages on the left hand side of the notebook will have odd numbers located in the upper left hand corner of the page. The pages on the right hand side of the notebook will have even numbers located in the upper right hand corner of the page. Turn pages carefully so you don’t skip a page and incorrectly number your notebook. afterStart after your Author’s Page #1 ONLY NUMBER TO 20 at this time!!!!!!. 12
Frase de la Semana Include numbers and the “frases” of each week. By the end of each week you should be able to the phrase correctly in Spanish and translate the phrase into English. 1)Lo siento, No entiendo low-see-in-toe, no in-tea-in-doe I’m Sorry I do not understand 1
Warm-ups On the back of your notebook, we are going to add the same information on the front, only this time we will add the label Warm-Ups! Back Cover –Name (first and last …use a Sharpie) –Title of Class Intro Spanish/Spanish I –Class Name Los Tacos, etc. Warm-ups *Make this larger than the other information*
Warm-ups You do not have to label page numbers on this side of your notebook. Instead, draw lines in between each warm up and label them with numbers & dates! 8/31/15- Warm-up #1: ___________________________________________ 9/1/15- Warm-up #2: