Ross Elementary School Year Orientation/Public Hearing Principal – Rebecca Phillips Assistant Principal – Amye Cotton
Ross Elementary has been rated by the state of Texas as an IR campus. IR stands for Improvement Required. There are 4 Indexes that the state uses to rate a school: Index 1 – Student Achievement, 45/60 Index 2 – Student Progress, 27/30 Index 3 – Closing Performance Gaps, 20/28 Index 4 – Postsecondary Readiness, 13.7/12 The target number for Index 1 for this 2016 is 65.
5 goals: Reading scores at 65, last year – 45 Writing scores at 65 Science scores at 65 Attendance rate at 96% Discipline referrals at 300 for the year How will we get out of IR and into Met Progress?
Academic Goals – Reading, Writing, and Science We will use the following to help us achieve our academic goals: iStation testing for reading Lead4ward Scope and Sequence Coaching Staff Development Data Disaggregation
School begins at 7:30 in the cafeteria for morning announcements. Students that are on time will be rewarded throughout the year. We have weekly drawings on Fridays and an attendance party each nine weeks! NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Let’s win the attendance flag EVERY week!! Attendance at Ross Daily attendance is important for your child! Drawing for bicycles to be given away each semester for perfect attendance!
Discipline – PBIS/CHAMPS We are implementing CHAMPS this year – an approach to school discipline that is respectful and shows students dignity. Students earn RAM Bucks that they can trade for different activities throughout the school year. Our first RAM Bucks Reward Day is tomorrow.
Ross students will have planners to record daily assignments, activities and behavior. Parents will be expected to sign the planner nightly and discuss the day your child had at school. This also gives you an opportunity to write notes to your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns. We are an AVID campus – that means we promote graduation from high school and attending college. We have high expectations for our Ross students. Homework every night will include at least 30 minutes of AR reading. Teachers may assign other short homework assignments. We will have AR Celebrations every 6 weeks and Honor Roll Assemblies each Nine Weeks!! AVID ARHomework
Parent Responsibilities Send children to school on time everyday Check and sign planners daily Make time for reading and homework daily Come to our Family Nights: technology, math, reading and science Talk to your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns
SO – what about the teachers? What are they going to do to help us achieve these goals? Teachers will have 2 times per week to meet with administrators to learn new skills and to look at student data to prepare lessons and activities to help students move forward academically. Teachers will meet with administrators individually to work on finding ways to help students learn more efficiently. Teachers will use higher levels of questioning to help students be able to dig deeper into subjects and find more than one way to answer a question. Teachers will prepare students by showing them new ways to find answers to STAAR like questions.
How will we measure our progress? Monthly iStation tests Quarterly AR tests Bench Mark Assessments Unit Exams STAAR released tests
What will we do in May? Celebrate our Success!!
What will we do in May? Celebrate our Success!!