Todays Plan Due Dates: Signed Syllabus Due Tomorrow Syllabus/Interactive Notebook Quiz Tomorrow (bring completed notecard) Decorated Interactive Notebook with Authors Page and Highlighters Due Friday Objective: What do I need to know for the Quiz on Wednesday? What is an Interactive Notebook? What do I need for Friday? Seats/Attendance Website Tour Warm Up Question Interactive Notebook Notes Closure
Interactive Notebook What do I need for Friday??? Take Notes, This stuff will be on the Quiz Wednesday
Warm Up Based on the syllabus lecture from yesterday, what are the need to knows regarding my class rules and bathroom procedures?
What is an Interactive Notebook? A student created and student maintained collection of notes, activities and commentary for US History Class. Creates a system of organization! Bring your notebook to class every day! Simply put, interactive notebooks are where you keep practically everything for US History class.
Creating a Cover for the Interactive Student Notebook Content: Your cover should have the following basic elements in writing somewhere on the cover and easily readable: – The name of the course – The words: Interactive Student Notebook – The class period – The school year – Teacher’s Name – Your name You may place these elements anywhere on the cover as long as they can be easily identified. Visual Content: Historical Information – Do a Google Images search and identify two (2) major periods, ideas, or events in history in which you are interested. – Draw or use magazines, or print images from the Internet to show the two events or periods from US History to design of your cover. You can label the events if it helps your design. The completed Cover is Due Friday
Interactive Notebook Cover
Creating the Inside Cover of the Interactive Notebook I gave you a 3 point and a 5 point rubric. Tape this rubric on the back of the cover at home. On the first page of the Interactive Notebook write a 6 to 8 sentence paragraph introducing yourself as the author of the Interactive Notebook. – Possible things to include Likes Dislikes Hobbies Where you are from Future Career Plans Favorite Foods Ect The completed Inside Cover is also Due Friday
Scoring Rubric and Author Page
Homework Remember – (Write this down so you do not forget) Signed Syllabus Due Tomorrow Syllabus/Interactive Notebook Quiz Tomorrow (bring completed notecard) Decorated Interactive Notebook Cover Due Friday Taped 3 and 5 point rubric on the back of the cover Due Friday 6 to 8 sentence Authors Page on the first sheet of lined paper Due Friday Four different colored highlighters/Color Pencils Due Friday