To make a sentence negative, you can use the following words: No Nunca Tampoco no never not either; neither NUNCA and TAMPOCO can take the place of “NO” at the beginning of a sentence. “Nunca” and “tampoco” can also come at the end of a sentence that already has NO. 1. I never eat chocolate. 2. I didn’t eat chocolate either. Nunca como chocolate. OR Yo no como chocolate nunca. Tampoco comí chocolate. OR (Yo) no comí chocolate tampoco.
“Nada” means NOTHING and “Nadie” means NO ONE when they come BEFORE the verb. EJEMPLOS:1. Nothing is easy. 2. Nobody is in class. Nada es fácil. Nadie está en clase.
If nada and nadie come AFTER the verb, the word NO must go BEFORE the verb. In this case, NADA means anything and NADIE means anyone. EJEMPLOS: 1. I don’t want to drink anything. 2. There is not anybody at the pool. No quiero beber nada. No hay nadie en la piscina.