Luciano Lazzari – ACE President Changes in the Profession of Architecture Luciano LAZZARI – ACE President Milano, 28 Agosto 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President Changes in the Profession of Architecture Luciano LAZZARI – ACE President Milano, 28 Agosto 2015

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President ACE  Representative organisation of the profession at EU level, founded in Treviso in 1990  47 Member Organisations from 31 countries, representing around Architectes  Regulatory bodies and professional associations

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President  to be the sole voice of architects en Europe  to guarantee the highest standards of qualification for architects  to facilitate the la free movement of architectural services throughout the EU ACE Objectives (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President  to promote quality in the practice of architecture  to advance the sustainable development of the built environment  to promote the importance of architecture in Europe ACE Objectives (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe  4 th edition – published in 2014  Based on replies from c architects  main conclusions : The profession is  growing flexible resilient international

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Architects in Europe

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Number of Architects in EU (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Number of Architects in EU (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Profile of Architects

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Employment Status

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Age Profile of Architects

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: Architecture – The Market

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Construction Market in EU (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Construction Market in EU (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Architectural Market in EU

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Architectural Market analysed by building type and sector

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: Future Prospects

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Architecture - The Practice

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Profile of Architectural Practices (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Profile of Architectural Practices (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Hourly charge-out rates

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Practice Profit

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Revenue from outside own country

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Architects – The Individuals

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Earnings (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Earnings (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Working in another European country (1/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Working in another European country (2/2)

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Career Satisfaction

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Building to Nearly Zero Energy Standards

Luciano Lazzari – ACE President Thank you for your attention More information at Follow us on