Luciano Lazzari – ACE President Changes in the Profession of Architecture Luciano LAZZARI – ACE President Milano, 28 Agosto 2015
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President ACE Representative organisation of the profession at EU level, founded in Treviso in 1990 47 Member Organisations from 31 countries, representing around Architectes Regulatory bodies and professional associations
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President to be the sole voice of architects en Europe to guarantee the highest standards of qualification for architects to facilitate the la free movement of architectural services throughout the EU ACE Objectives (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President to promote quality in the practice of architecture to advance the sustainable development of the built environment to promote the importance of architecture in Europe ACE Objectives (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe 4 th edition – published in 2014 Based on replies from c architects main conclusions : The profession is growing flexible resilient international
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Architects in Europe
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Number of Architects in EU (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Number of Architects in EU (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Profile of Architects
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Employment Status
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 1: Age Profile of Architects
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: Architecture – The Market
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Construction Market in EU (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Construction Market in EU (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Architectural Market in EU
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: The Architectural Market analysed by building type and sector
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe – Chapter 2: Future Prospects
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Architecture - The Practice
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Profile of Architectural Practices (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Profile of Architectural Practices (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Hourly charge-out rates
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Practice Profit
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 3: Revenue from outside own country
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Architects – The Individuals
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Earnings (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Earnings (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Working in another European country (1/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Working in another European country (2/2)
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Career Satisfaction
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President The Architectural Profession in Europe Chapter 4: Building to Nearly Zero Energy Standards
Luciano Lazzari – ACE President Thank you for your attention More information at Follow us on