SIA in the Trade Negociation Process A Challenge for Research and Development Laurence Tubiana Sustra Network & IDDRI, Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales
Trade negociations in WTO Contradictions in the process Specialization / extension of domains Trip’s, Investments, Services … Single undertaking Far reaching consequences, uncertainty Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Growing questions and discontent Challenging legitimacy of the negotiation process Challenging the final economic efficiency of specific measures Contest of the equity : priorities and final outcomes What are the ends of liberalization ? Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Sustainable development as the common objective of liberalization SD : an arbitrage between sometimes competing objectives Need to recognize pluralism and diversity in choices SIA : an attempt to internalize SD in trade negociation Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Why SIA in trade debate ? Growing recognition of : Interactions environmental & social issues / trade Uncertainty Unbalanced international institutionnal architecture Need to integrate SD objectives in trade Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
SIA : policy tool or policy process SIA as a policy tool : evaluation of policies and measures Problem of criterias determination SIA as a policy process Shared diagnosis Common identification of issues Learning process Depending of nature and quality of participation Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Perspectives : how to go forward in the liberalization process Need to recognize diversity of development models and collective preferences as a precondition of any sustainable liberalization SD : building legitimate institutions and preserving specificities Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Common objectives Different collective preferences but commons objectives : common goods and fundamental human rights MDG’s and Johannesbourg objectives: access to water, energy food security, health and education, protection of biodiversity Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Challenge for research From impact assesment of policies to assessment of collectives preferences Research on scenarios and alternatives Study of the interactions of different development models Measure of positive and negative externalities of national and regional collective preferences Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Challenge for research New interdisciplinary programs to identify new economic tools To analyse legitimacy of collective preferences Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003
Changing negociation methods SIA as a permanent reassessment process of trade agreements Agreement on medicines as a model for the future: negotiating trade policies in a development perspective From a coodination through rule making towards a coordination through objectives for coherent global policies Sustainable Trade Day, Cancun, 9 September 2003