Shaping the future – the next five years Promoting the value of FM to Society Peter Cordy Chairman, BIFM BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCE Oxford 2007
BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCEOxford 2007 The future of FM We are living in a time of great opportunity for the construction and built environment sector in Britain. FM is vital to the security, well-being, sustainability and prosperity of the UK. It is important to raise the profile of FM and gain recognition of its importance by Society.
BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCEOxford 2007 The future of FM & BIFM’s Role BIFM should be the focal point for the community of FM professionals - communicating the importance of our activities to society in general as well as our colleagues in other professions. We therefore need to develop a shared understanding of what is important for our society, our individual members and the profession as a whole and use this to shape the agenda for the profession and the Institute into the future.
BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCEOxford 2007 The Role for BIFM We must exploit our unique perspective - gained from the range and variety of the activities our members manage and the services they deliver. We must communicate the importance of our knowledge and expertise to society in general as well as with colleagues in other professions. We must raise the profile of FM, and become a “World Class Institute” and “Institute of First-Choice”- recognised by our partners and stakeholders as the voice and champion for FM in the UK, whilst operating in a global context.
BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCEOxford 2007 How do we recognise success? Ask me at the end of the Conference However, I would suggest that we argue for the following proposition: BIFM as a “World Class Institute”
BIFM ANNUAL CONFERENCEOxford 2007 “Whilst great buildings and settings do not necessarily result in great experiences for the people who use them - when you add great FM to great architecture and environmental design, -you have a recipe for delivering world class, sustainable environments and services.” Peter Cordy 2006