How to use outlook 365 By Elliot Routledge
How to open outlook First click the start button in the bottom left hand corner of your screen
How to open outlook Then go to all programs on the start bar Then click core programs
How to open outlook After clicking core programs click on the outlook 365 button to open it.
How to login to outlook 365 After clicking on it this screen should show up in your browser asking for a username and password
How to login to outlook 365 Click in the username box (the top one) and add your school username. Next add on to your
How to login to outlook 365 Then click in the password box And enter your school password then click sign in
Sending an using outlook As soon as you click it this screen will show up your home screen for outlook 365 To create a new click the new mail button in the top left hand corner
Sending an using outlook When you click this the right hand side of your screen should change to a new
Sending an using outlook First click in the to box at the top of the and click to:
Sending an using outlook Then this screen should show up with any recent contacts in. Now click In the search people bar and type in the username or full name of the person you wish to send the to
Sending an using outlook Click search on the bar and it should bring up everyone with that name. Then click on + next to the name of the person you wish to send it to and the name should pop up in the to bar at the top and click ok.
Sending an using outlook They should then appear in the top bar of the
Sending an using outlook Now using the subject box type in what the is about And then type the in the box below
Sending an using outlook Then you can carbon copy others into the the same way as you entered to: but using CC: to click on instead
Sending an using outlook Then if you wish to make the message of high importance such as sending homework click on: Then set importance and choose one
Sending an using outlook To get a read receipt that tells you when someone has read your click … then show message options
Sending an using outlook Then tick the read receipt box and click ok
Sending an using outlook Then click send to send the
Sending an using outlook Once they have read the a message will be sent back to say that they have read it. It will be in your inbox