1 COMPLEXITY IN STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT WHEN HANDICAPPED WITH MISCONCEPTIONS Sam Ramaila, Padmanabhan Nair and Leelakrishna Reddy Department of Physics University of Johannesburg South Africa
2 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION 1.Introduction 2.Literature Review 3.Purpose of the Research Study 4.Research Question 5.Significance of the Research Study 6.Research Methodology 7.Research Design 8.Conceptual Areas Investigated 9.Remedial Tools: Intervention 10.Summary of Results 11.Conclusion and Recommendations
3 Introduction Prevalence of physics misconceptions at all levels of Physics Education. Prevalence of physics misconceptions at all levels of Physics Education. Tremendous amount of research had been carried out all over the world. Tremendous amount of research had been carried out all over the world. Some higher education institutions in South Africa: Key research focus area. Some higher education institutions in South Africa: Key research focus area. Exploring complexity in science education. Exploring complexity in science education.
4 Literature Review Learners’ conceptual deficiencies in physics: Contributory factors Under-performing school system. Under-performing school system. Under-qualified/unqualified teachers. Under-qualified/unqualified teachers. Teaching physics like humanities. Teaching physics like humanities. Lack of facilities for practical experience. Lack of facilities for practical experience. Absence of interactive learning. Absence of interactive learning. Undesirable philosophy of “teaching physics to pass exam”. Undesirable philosophy of “teaching physics to pass exam”.
5 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH STUDY To explore the effectiveness of remedial tools such as audio-visual intervention in addressing misconceptions in physics and overcoming complexities in learning.
6 Research Question To what extent can misconceptions affect learner performance in first year university physics courses?
7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH STUDY Provides valuable insights into underlying conceptual difficulties in Electrostatics. Provides valuable insights into underlying conceptual difficulties in Electrostatics. Electrostatics provides a conceptual foundation for meaningful understanding of other important topics in physics. Electrostatics provides a conceptual foundation for meaningful understanding of other important topics in physics. Serves as a frame of reference for other researchers. Serves as a frame of reference for other researchers. Complement research initiatives in the field of CSER. Complement research initiatives in the field of CSER.
8 Research Methodology Degree of misconceptions in Electrostatics as a test case. Degree of misconceptions in Electrostatics as a test case. Pre-test: Conceptual Survey in Electricity (CSE). Pre-test: Conceptual Survey in Electricity (CSE). Identification of extreme conceptual difficulties. Identification of extreme conceptual difficulties. Intervention: Audio-Visual Lessons. Intervention: Audio-Visual Lessons. Post-test: Conceptual Survey in Electricity (CSE). Post-test: Conceptual Survey in Electricity (CSE). Correlation between learner performance in Class Tests, Pre-test & Post-test. Correlation between learner performance in Class Tests, Pre-test & Post-test. Examine any positive or negative shift. Examine any positive or negative shift.
9 Research Design Misconceptions in Electrostatics (Pre-test) Post-test 1 Post-test 2 Remedial Tools + / –
10 CONCEPTUAL AREAS INVESTIGATED 1. Charge distribution in conductors and insulators 2. Electric Field and Field superposition 3. Coulomb Force Law 4. Electric potential 5. Work done by electric charge
11 Scores from Students’ responses Course Class Test Score Questionnaire Score (Pre-test) Standard Deviation Optometry63%36%21% Access Group 45%14%12% ChiropracticHomoeopathy49%28%17%
12 INTERVENTION: AUDIO-VISUAL LESSONS Electrostatic charging Van de Graaf Generator Electroscope Application
13 EFFECT OF INTERVENTION Groups Pre-test Score Post-test Score Deviation Access Physics 14%21%+7 Optometry36%32%-4 ChiropracticHomoeopathy28%31%+3
14 SIMILAR RESEARCH [Maloney et al. (2001)] CoursePre-test Standard Deviation nPost-test n Physics(Algebra)23%12%22042%15%273 Physics(Calculus)35%14%43947%16%736
16 Correlation evident. lower the score in pre-test, the lower the achievement level in the class-test. Example: [Access group: Lowest score in the pre- test and the corresponding lowest score in class- test]. Access Group and Chiropractic/Homoeopathy Group: Positive shift. Optometry Group: Negative shift (Absence of few learners during the post-test stage).
18 CONCLUSION Complex picture about student conceptual knowledge of static electricity. Complex picture about student conceptual knowledge of static electricity. Traditional instruction less effective. Traditional instruction less effective.
19 RECOMMENDATIONS Effectiveness of alternative interactive remedial tools such as oral interventions, group discussions, etc. could also be explored as an extension to this study. Effectiveness of alternative interactive remedial tools such as oral interventions, group discussions, etc. could also be explored as an extension to this study.