Physics Electricity. Review Circuits are fairly simple to solve, but only involve MOVING charges. Remember the point charges we did the other day? If.


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Presentation transcript:

Physics Electricity

Review Circuits are fairly simple to solve, but only involve MOVING charges. Remember the point charges we did the other day? If two charges q1 and q2 are 1 meter apart, and have a charge of 1 Coulomb each, with what force will q1 push on q2?


Key Terms Voltage Current-Units are called amps Ohm’s law Power

Lesson Objective Students will be able to use Ohm’s law to determine current and voltage in a system.

You will be successful if… If you can answer the questions on peardeck at the end of the lesson.

Introduction Circuits carry charges from one place to another. If you picture a battery, there’s a positive end and a negative end. When you attach them with a wire, current flows from the negative side to the other (positive).

There is nothing to stop this flow or slow it down, so as much electricity as possible rushes through from positive side to negative side. This is where a Resistor comes in. It resist the flow, much like a dam.

Current is how much water flows through a river (in our case how much electricity flows through the wire) Voltage is how much pressure there is in the current. Resistors slow the current down and reduce the pressure (read current).

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This is how we draw a circuit A circuit has 3 parts, Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance (R) Scientist needed a way to measure the values in a circuit, and so they developed a Ohms Law.



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