1 John 5:6-21
Fully Attested Faith Fully Approved Savior Fully Assured Outcome Fully Acceptable Prayer Life Fully Approved Life
Fully Attested faith If the accurate Jesus is accepted. By the water and by the blood Affirmed by the Holy Spirit
“Attestation by God’s Spirit is either implicitly or explicitly a factor in divine confirmations of Jesus’s ministry at his baptism, transfiguration, and his crucifixion”. Dr. Robert Yarborough 1 John Commentary
If God’s testimony is supreme God establishes His “three witnesses”.
Fully Approved Savior
“One time in the course of world history God appears as witness, speaks clearly, and gives proof and secure direction. That took place at the sending of Christ”. Dr. Robert Yarborough 1 John Commentary
Fully Assured Outcome Eternal Life Jesus is eternal life We bear the marks of eternal life
Fully Acceptable Prayer Life Ask according to his will. Hebrews 12:1-2
Fully Approved Life Under God & apart from the evil one Understanding of the truth