I. Believers are overcomers of the world (5:1-5) A. Faith and love go together in Christian life (5:1-3)
B. We overcome the world because of our faith in Christ (5:4-5)
II. The witnesses of Christ’s divinity and humanity in whom believers have eternal life (5:5-13) A. The three witnesses of Christ are the Spirit, the water, and the blood (5:6-9)
B. Believers in Christ versus non- believers (5:10-13)
III. Believers have confidence in prayer to God (5:14-17) A. God answers when we pray according to his will (5:14-15)
B. Pray for fellow Christians who commit sins (5:16-17)
IV. Believers who keep away from idols cannot be touched by the evil one (5:18-21) A. Under the rule of God versus under the rule of the devil (5:18-19)
B. Children of God keep away from idols (5:20-21)
“Our faith in Christ makes us children of God and overcomers over the world and the evil one.” (Main Idea)
Our Vision is to… Love God Love the Nations Love the Church
Home Group Friday 7:30 pm Andrew & Adrielle’s Apartment
Saturday, August 17, 2013 Save the Date
Save this date! Fall Retreat is October 4-6
PRIESTLY BLESSING “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)