Food Marketing
Family Influence on Food Choices Family is the major influence on the food choices and habits of its members. Starting as children due to being fed the same food as the family As children grow older they develop likes and dislikes – therefore will show preferences for some foods and refuse others. People outside the family unit will introduce them to new foods Family members use food to celebrate special occasions during their lives The influence of your family on your food habits and eating practices will last a lifetime.
Influences of Peers As children age, peers will begin to have a greater influence on both their food choices and their food habits. The more time that is spent with peers, the more influence they will have This will start when children go to day care or play school The more children are exposed to different food habits and practices, the more thy are influenced by them In the teen years, peers begin to exert a greater influence on their lives, such as food habits, practices, and beliefs about food.
Media Influence Media has a large influence on all our lives because it is all around us, even though we may or may not be aware of it. Advertisers use the media to sell their products; TV, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, outdoor ads, direct mail, the Yellow Pages, etc… Advertisers are also looking for different ways of advertising their products. Products are often used in movies and television shows to get extra exposure. Advertising during sporting events increases consumer awareness of a product, as well as giving the product a positive image.
Advertising Techniques Advertising can be informative and entertaining Different techniques are used to entice consumers to purchase their products Food advertisers use these same techniques to convince people that they want to eat their products. Limited information – generally only the facts that will encourage you to buy are told to the consumer.
Advertising Techniques Cont’ Positive images – an ad may use images of things that people feel positively about, such as friendship or a good appearance. Advertisers hope that these images will be associated with feelings about a product. Celebrity endorsement – some ads show popular performers or athletes promoting the product. These celebrities may or may not use the products in real life. Appeal to basic needs – advertisers may focus on ways the product meets a need for security or self-esteem. They try to convince you that the product will make you look or feel better.
Advertising Techniques Cont’ Scare tactics – advertisers may play on people’s fears of aging or developing a medical condition by claiming that their product prevent or relieve the symptoms or provide essential nutrients. False claims – ads may make claims that are not true, such as fast or guaranteed results. If a claim sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Advertising Techniques Cont’ Infomercials – these are tv ads made to look like regular consumers programs or televised news reports. Besides advertising, companies use other techniques to promote their products. Such as, lending their product name for a sporting event, a movie. Coupons and eye-catching store displays encourage consumers to buy. Product packages are even a form of advertising.
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