Girl Gamers: Strengths and Stereotypes  X  ♀ Sarah Bernhard Rhetoric of Popular Culture, Fall 2013.


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Girl Gamers: Strengths and Stereotypes  X  ♀ Sarah Bernhard Rhetoric of Popular Culture, Fall 2013

My Thesis “It appears that as they exist as a subculture within popular media, girl gamers’ attempted defiance of gender roles, whether it is forced or genuine, and their reception by outside parties suggest that even as self-identified ‘girl gamers’ strive to empower themselves for playing video games, they often separate themselves from the gaming community at large by simultaneously reinforcing traditional standards of femininity.”

Text: “I Fight Like a Girl” shirt

Text: Frag Dolls

Text: “Controller Eating” photos One of the original photos…

…and a few of its parodies.

Conclusions The relationship between girl gamers and femininity is quite complex (maybe a bit too complex for me...) because of the sites of struggle that arise in many of the embodying texts. –Specifically, many of the texts reveal that even as female gamers strive to prove themselves as equal to male gamers, the manners in which they do so reinforce or exist alongside pre- existing gender stereotypes. These texts are rhetorical in nature because they promote a specific manner of thinking and/or behavior based on ideologies. The fact that this subculture (gamers) is so intricate in its operations and is inherently based on and revolves around a specific type of media emphasizes how influential pop culture and entertainment can be on society.

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