Implementing Local Action Strategies and the Puerto Rico Resolution Proposal to the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force October 3, 2003 Saipan, CNMI.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing Local Action Strategies and the Puerto Rico Resolution Proposal to the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force October 3, 2003 Saipan, CNMI

Past successes, existing needs… How can the Task Force better support to reach goals and objectives? How can the Task Force better support implementation to reach goals and objectives? National Action Plan National Action Strategy ?

Puerto Rico Resolution (Oct 2002) Identified 4 Key Needs for Progress: 1.Prioritize Actions 2.Improve Coordination 3.Track Performance 4.Increase Capacity (e.g. human resources)

Puerto Rico Resolution How Strengthen Implementation? Needs:Solutions: 1.Prioritize Actions1. Focus on 6 key threats. 2.Increase Coordination2. 3-year Local Action and Collaboration Strategies on 6 threats. and Collaboration Strategies on 6 threats. Regional Subcommittees. Regional Subcommittees. 3. Track Performance3. Improve metrics. Build tracking system. Build tracking system. 4.Build Capacity4. Increase support ($, detailees, joint ($, detailees, joint efforts, tech assistance) efforts, tech assistance)

Need 1: Prioritize Actions Land-based Sources of Pollution  Land-based Sources of Pollution  Overfishing  Lack of Public Awareness  Recreational Overuse  Climate Change and Coral Bleaching  Disease Response: Focus on 6 Key Threats

National Regional Local Local Agencies Fed Agencies Need 2: Increase Coordination Targets: Local to National levels Local to National levels Across agencies Across agencies Regional levels Regional levels Stakeholders, other partners Stakeholders, other partners

Need 2: Increase Coordination Responses: 1. Develop 3-year Local Action Strategies: Developed by state, territory, commonwealth, Developed by state, territory, commonwealth, federal partners for priority Focus Areas. federal partners for priority Focus Areas. 2. Establish 2 Regional Subcommittees: - To help coordinate and implement LASs etc (Caribbean and Pacific) 3.Integrate LAS into regional-national priorities To increase support for local-level action. To increase support for local-level action.

Call for Local Action Strategies  3 -year, local level “work plans” outlining goals, objectives, specific projects to address 6 key threats to coral reef ecosystems.  Strategic not comprehensive (implement parts of existing plans e.g., EEMP, non-point source program)  Collaborative road maps developed jointly by state, territory, federal, and nongovt partners.  Tool to increase coordination, collaboration.  Tool to increase support and effectiveness

Need 3: Increase Capacity Findings: 1.Lack of capacity to support USCRTF - no staff, resources - Steering Committee limitations 2. Lack of capacity to support All Islands Committee 3. Lack of capacity to implement the new process (and other actions)

Need 3: Increase Capacity Responses: Responses: 1. Establish Task Force secretariat. 2. Support All Islands Initiative Secretariat 3.Strengthen capacity at all levels with emphasis on human capacity at local level (e.g. $, detailees, assistantships, joint projects, technical support, etc) (e.g. $, detailees, assistantships, joint projects, technical support, etc)

Current Status

Progress Report: Local Action Strategies Focus Area FLPRUSVIHIASGUAMCNMI Land Based Pollution Fishing Impacts Recreational Overuse Lack of Awareness Climate Disease Other

Significant Support for Local Action Strategies  Leadership  Core Teams  Federal Navigators (4 agencies)  Local Navigators  Participants, Stakeholders  Funding  Guidance, template, database  Regional Technical Workshops

Significant Support for Local Action Strategies Regional Technical Workshops: 1.Climate Change, Bleaching, & Coral Reefs (Hawaii, June 03; EPA, DOI, NOAA) 2. Land Based Sources of Pollution (Hawaii, June 03; USDA, EPA) (Hawaii, June 03; USDA, EPA) 3. Managing Recreational Overuse/Misuse (USVI, Aug 03; NOAA, DOI)

Results 1.Significantly increased participation and collaboration among govt partners at local levels. 2.Engaged hundreds of stakeholders and other partners in key actions to reduce threats to reefs. 3.Most rigorous effort by USCRTF to identify key requirements for tangible action.

Results 3.Commitment of new resources. 4.Identified additional grants and other opportunities not previously tapped to support local efforts. 5.Significant limitations in ability to take advantage of new opportunities (e.g., capacity to manage additional proposals)

Results 6.Continued support and resources required to complete and implement Local Action Strategies. 7.Important opportunity to build on existing momentum to achieve goals of Puerto Rico Resolution.

Coral Reef Task Force Steering Committee & Working Groups CNMI FAS AS HI PR USVI FL Guam All Islands Committee Pacific Subcommittee Caribbean Subcommittee Local Action StrategiesNational Action Plan National Strategy DOI USDA EPA DOS NASA AID DOC DOD NSF DOT DOJ Local Coral Teams

Recommended Next Steps (proposed resolution) Recognize significant progress to implement Puerto Rico Resolution. Affirm need to continue implementation Affirm that all members will actively participate and support local jurisdictions in implementing Local Action Strategies.

Recommended Next Steps (Proposed Resolution) Members will assist in: 1. Finalizing Local Action Strategies. 2.Completing any addition LASs. 3.Implementing LAS as soon as possible.

3.Implement LAS as soon as possible: Inventory opportunities Identify resources Identify gaps/needs Identify lead federal agencies Provide progress reports on implementation at each TF meeting Implementation dependent on increased funding and capacity support; may take time. Evaluate role, effectiveness of Regional Subcommittees

Recommended Next Steps (Proposed Resolution) 4. Track implementation of LAS and progress towards goals: Members assist in developing system. 5.Members develop proposal to update the U.S. National Action Strategy in 2004 Incorporate LAS etc for TF report