A World of Difference Teaching Tolerance through Photographs
What Does it Mean to be Tolerant? Patient Understanding Helpful Considerate
How Does it Feel to be Different? Sad Lonely Wonderful
A World of Difference: What You Are These children are physically disabled. More than 66,000 children in the United States are physically disabled. Children who are physically disabled may not be able to use: –Their arms or legs –Their eyes (blind) or ears (deaf) Many physically disabled children snow ski, play musical instruments, swim, and play basketball – just like you!
A World of Difference: Who You Are This girl is Muslim There are approximately 6 million Muslims in the United States. Some Muslim customs are: –Always eating with your right hand –Not eating during the day (fasting) for a full month –Giving thanks before each meal –Giving a blessing after sneezing In school, Muslim students study math, science, history, reading and writing – just like you!
A World of Difference: Where You Are These children are from South Africa They are considered poor. There are 500 million children in the world who live without: –Televisions or telephones –Safe drinking water –Enough food to eat or clothes to wear –Seeing a doctor or dentist Yet, such children like to play games and play sports – just like you!
Someone is Different. What Would You Do?