EPSRC Chemistry Grand Challenges ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL Alex Berry, Physical Sciences Portfolio Manager


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Presentation transcript:

EPSRC Chemistry Grand Challenges ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL Alex Berry, Physical Sciences Portfolio Manager 02 July 2012

Outline of Presentation Background to Grand Challenges Chemistry Grand Challenges Current and future funding opportunities

Background to the Grand Challenges EPSRC Council, July 2007 – Paper on Grand Challenges Focus on big problems for science, society etc. Looking forward 20 – 40 years Top down approach (Nanotechnology) and bottom up (ICT, Chemistry). Why Chemistry? International Review of Chemistry 2002 ‘Encourage Community-Generated Initiatives in Research.’

EPSRC Grand Challenge Networks To form new research communities that extend beyond Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and which involve academia, industry and users. Identify research priorities and the major barriers associated with these. The development of community driven research agendas resulting in highly transformative research with long term scientific impact. To address the major societal and economic issues associated with the Grand Challenge and demonstrate the positive impact that progress in the challenge will have on these areas.

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Grand Challenges In 2009, following consultation with the academic community and its Strategic Advisory Teams, EPSRC highlighted four new Grand Challenges in chemical sciences and engineering. Networks were funded around 3 of these Grand Challenges to build communities of researchers in each area: Dial-a-Molecule’ – 100% Efficient Synthesis. Utilising CO2 in Synthesis and Transforming the Chemicals Industry. Directed Assembly of Extended Structures with Targeted Properties. 4 th Grand challenge is Systems Chemistry: Exploring the Chemical Roots of Biological Organisation

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Grand Challenges Funding was provided for all three Chemistry Networks for the initial period of two years, with the expectation being that, if the communities they supported wished, the Networks would bid for future funding to take forward their activities at the end of the initial grant. All three grand challenge networks have been continued by EPSRC. ntroduction/Pages/chemscieng.aspx

Current and Future Funding Opportunities Catalysis Hub – Call closes 4 th July Supporting the Catalysis Growth strategy Looking for scientific leadership from the community Approximately £13M from Physical Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Fellowships – Including in the Grand Challenge areas Standard proposals should be submitted by end of September 2012 to be processed this financial year Physical Sciences for Energy standard proposals to be ranked on a separate list Developing links with Manufacturing theme

Any Questions? Thank you for listening