Proposed Amendment to Project Certificate (Condition 32) Meadowbank Private Access Road INAC's Comments to NIRB Baker Lake, Nunavut [ April 28-30, 2009 ]
INAC’s Role in the Meadowbank Gold Mine Project Environmental Review NIRB Part 5 Review June 2005 – Technical meetings and Pre- Hearing Conference in Baker Lake March 2006 – Final Public Hearings in Baker Lake and other Communities November 2006 – Minister’s Decision to approve the Project
INAC’s Role in the Meadowbank Gold Mine Project Environmental Review (continued) Land Lease January 2007 Signature of Meadowbank’s land lease for the road from INAC Water Licence April 2008 Public Hearings in Baker Lake for Water Licence July 2008 Minister’s Decision to approve the Water Licence
INAC’s Role in the Review of the Current Requests INAC Nunavut Regional Office continues to provide advice and comments to the NIRB in considering the new requests. The All Weather Private Access Road is partially located on Crown Land – INAC Nunavut regional office is leasing the land to Agnico-Eagle. The Minister of INAC will make a decision based upon NIRB’s recommendation after these hearings.
What We Are Considering Today Two Proposals: 1. Agnico Eagle – Manned Gatehouse 2. Hamlet of Baker Lake – Passes for ATVs to use the road
Agnico-Eagle’s Proposal (Manned Gatehouse) INAC has no concerns with the requested change. Agnico-Eagle’s proposal appears to be equal or better at ensuring access to the road will be controlled.
Hamlet of Baker Lake’s Proposal (Passes for the Road) The Hamlet and Agnico-Eagle have worked together to find a solution that meets the needs of both. The road will remain private but managed access will be given for traditional activities.
Hamlet of Baker Lake’s Proposal (Passes for the Road) (continued) We are not yet able to provide comments on impacts of the proposal, as requested by NIRB. There are the following outstanding information requirements – once we have this information we can provide more comments on safety and environmental impacts.
Information Needs Numbers of people that will use the road and how often. Whether there will be a limit to the number of people allowed on the road at one time. Whether AEM will monitor and report the number of ATVs that use the road. Whether unauthorized use still be monitored and reported by AEM
Information Needs (continued) The following has been requested by NIRB; if new information or concerns are brought forward, we can provide further comments or advice. Environmental concerns or explanations of why there are no environmental concerns Safety concerns that may be raised at the hearing Other concerns that may be presented at the hearing.
Next Steps Once we have heard from all intervenors and the residents of Baker Lake, INAC would like to have a chance to submit further comments on the Hamlet of Baker Lake’s proposal, before NIRB makes a recommendation to the Minister.
Talk To Us! Environment: Robyn Abernethy-Gillis (867) Land Administration: Spencer Dewar(867) Socio-Economic: Seth Reinhart(867)
Matna Thank you Merci