Electric Propulsion for Future Space Missions Part I Bryan Palaszewski Digital Learning Network NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
Introduction Why electric propulsion? –Types –Applications Some history Future missions and vehicles A very cool future
Solar Electric Propulsion Module
Why High Exhaust Velocity Is Important
Chemical & Electric Propulsion Have Intrinsic Differences
Solar and Nuclear Electric Propulsion Subsystems
Electric Propulsion Historical Overview K. E. Tsiolkovsky derived the “Tsiolkovsky” or “Rocket” Equation commonly used to show the benefits of electric propulsion R. Goddard wrote about the possibility of electric rockets K. E. Tsiolkovsky independently wrote about electric rockets World’s first electric thruster demonstrated by V. P. Glushko at the Gas Dynamics Laboratory in Lenningrad First “broad-beam” ion thruster operated in the U.S. at the NASA Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center
Electric Propulsion Historical Overview First successful sub-orbital demonstration of an ion engine (SERT I) by the U.S First use of an electric thruster on an interplanetary probe (Zond 2) by the USSR Long duration test of mercury ion thrusters in space (SERT II) by the U.S First operation of a xenon stationary plasma thruster (SPT-50) in space (Meteor) by the USSR First use of hydrazine arcjets on a commercial communications satellite (Telstar 401) by the U.S.
The First Electric Thruster Developed by V. P Glushko at the Gas Dynamics Laboratory in Lenningrad, Solid and Liquid Conductors Were Vaporized by High Current Discharges in the Plenum Chamber and Expanded Through the Nozzle Power Provided by 40 kV, 4 mF Capacitors
Types Of Electric Thrusters Electrostatic –Ion –Hall Electrothermal –Arcjet –Resistojet Electromagnetic –Magneto plasma dynamic (MPD) –Many others
Types Of Electric Thrusters
Ion Thruster
Ion Thruster Layout
Hall Thruster SPT W 1600 lb f -s/lb m (Nominal) SPT W 1450 lb f -s/lb m (Nominal) SPT W 1700 lb f -s/lb m (Nominal) SPT W 1200 lb f -s/lb m (Nominal) Thrusters designed and fabricated by the Design Bureau Fakel, Kaliningrad (Baltic Region), Russia, and offered by International Space Technology, Inc.
Hall Thruster Magnet Coils Dielectric Walls Cathode Power Supply Xe Anode EzEz BrBr
Hydrazine Arcjet Primex Aerospace Hydrazine Arcjet: 1.8 kW, 200 mN, 500 lb f -s/lb m
Arcjet Thruster Ship Set of Four Olin Aerospace 500 lb f -s/lb m Hydrazine Arcjets and Power Processing Unit
Magneto Plasma Dynamic (MPD) Thruster Pulsed MPD Thruster Operating on Argon Propellant at Princeton University
Magneto Plasma Dynamic (MPD) Thruster
Pulsed Plasma Thruster
NASA Glenn Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EPL)
NASA Glenn Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EPL) Contributions On September 23, 2001, the Deep Space 1 ion thruster set a record of 16,000 hrs. of operation while propelling the spacecraft on its encounter with Comet Borrelly. In preparation of MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) probe mission, VF-6 was used to characterize components under a 10-sun solar insolation environment. On December 3, 2000, hollow cathodes, which were developed at GRC and tested in VF-5 as part of the Plasma Contactor Unit, began protecting the International Space Station from harmful space plasma voltage potentials.
NASA Glenn Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EPL) Contributions A refractive secondary concentrator (RSC) achieved temperatures of 1455 Kelvin with an 87% throughput in VF-6. On January 4, 2002, a pulsed plasma thruster on Earth Observing 1 demonstrated a highly fuel efficient method of controlling spacecraft attitude and "pointability." Conducted first integrated solar dynamic system test from solar input to electrical power in VF-6.
Neptune and Ion Thruster
Deep Space 1
Deep Space 1 Thruster / Spacecraft Compatibility Testing
Deep Space 1 Thruster
Launch of Deep Space 1 Boeing Delta II (7326) Rocket October 24, 1998
DS-1 Trajectory
Autonomous Navigation
Comet Borrelly