Inner Transition Metals Transition Metals Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals noble gases Quiz: Dec 15: List two facts about each of the categories. 1.Metals 2.Alkali Metals 3.Alkaline Earth Metals 4.Transition metals 5.Inner Transition Metals 6.Metalloids 7.Nonmetals 8.Noble gases.
Quiz: Dec 14: List two facts about each of the categories. 1.Metals: Shiny, hard, ductile, end in s, d, or f conduct heat and electricity, react to form bases or salts. 2.Alkali Metals: Same as above, end in s 1, are very reactive and are soft. 3.Alkaline Earth Metals: Same as above, but end in s 2, and texture may not be soft. 4.Transition metals: Same, but end in d, and are hard. 5.Inner Transition Metals: Same, but end in f 6.Metalloids: May be shiny and brittle like Si, may have low melting point like Ga. Properties are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. 7.Nonmetals: Dull, brittle, do not conduct electricity or heat end in p. React to form acids or salts. 8.Noble gases: Have no common chemical reactions, end in p 6. Are found in the gaseous, uncombined state.
Each Group will work with one periodic property. It will be your job to explain your topic so your classmates feel comfortable with it. Page 251 255: Atomic and ionic radii P258 262: Ionization energy and reaction tendencies P 255 257: Electron configuration and its relation to oxidation numbers (also p141 155) P 263: Electron affinity and reaction tendencies. Define Concept Illustrate Concept Apply Concept. What is it? How can I picture what you describe? What affect does this have? You will present your topic tomorrow or Friday for 100 points
You should be working on completing homework numbers 24; ½ hour per night. Please turn in Lab 10 before vacation! After vacation, each student will research two elements, one metal, one nonmetal: Group 1, Group 2, Period 3, and Ag, Au, Cd, Hg, Sn, Sb, Pb (metals) Group 17, O, S, N, P, As, C, Si (nonmetals)