The Influence of Climatic Factors on the Performance of Photovoltaic Panels PhD. Student Mirela Mihai, U.P.B Professor Dr. Eng. Ruxandra Vidu, U.S. Davis Lecture Dr. Eng. Vladimir Tanasiev, U.P.B Professor Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, U.P.B 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
The Energy In our century, the energy has become more valued since the energy from conventional source is about to deplete sooner than we expected. At the same time, energy consumption increases dramatically worldwide, especially in tertiary and residential sector. At international level there is a major concern caused by the global temperature rise due to the increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. At the global level it was decided to increase the energy from renewable sources. 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Renewable Energy 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July The renewable energy sources, such as: biofuel, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar energy, tidal power, wave power, wind power can replace the conventional sources of energy production. For countries which supply the energy from renewable sources result a economic benefits, sustainable energy, also reduces the environmental pollution. The energy supplied from renewable source is a clean energy and environmentally friendly.
Electricity consumption in the world 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Electricity production in the world 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
European Union Directives The goal imposed by EU regarding the climate and energy package by 2020: Increase of renewable energy sources (RES) with 20% Reduction of green house gases emissions (GHG) with 20% Reduction of energy consumption in buildings with 20% 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
The EU progress regarding renewables energy target Source: Eurostat th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
EU power capacity (MW per year) Source: EWEA – Wind in Power: 2014 European Statistics, Feb th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Solar energy in Romania According to the Romanian PV Market: Outlook , Romania is one the most promising markets for photovoltaic energy investments in South-East Europe, with green certificates support scheme. Romania had a capacity installed by photovoltaic (PV) of only 29 MWp in 2012, and exceeded to 1,000 MWp (1 GWp) by the end of Currently Romania gives 3 green certificates per MWh for electricity produced from solar power. A green certificate may be traded within a minimum value of 27€/MWh and a maximum value of 55€ /MWh. 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
PV’s integration in buildings 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Integrated PV system in the Passive House Politehnica ParameterValue Short-circuit current [A]I SC = 8.24; Open-circuit voltage [V]V OC = 36.7; Current at nominal power [A]I mp = 7.55; Voltage at nominal power [V]V mp = 29.8; Maximum power [W] P max = V mp I mp P max =225 Tension/ temperature coefficient [V/K]K v = -0.33; Current/ temperature coefficient [A/K]K i = 0.04; Number of cells in seriesN S = 60; Temperature at Standard Test Conditions [ ° C]T STC = 25 ° C Irradiance at STC [W/m2] at AM =1.5 spectrumG STC = 100W/m 2 These PV are made of polycrystalline solar cells with an efficiency of 13.4 % /panel Nominal power W/panel The total area of PV installed is ~22 m 2 for 13 PV The PV system are connected to the local electricity grid. 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Analysis of PV performance 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July The solar radiation in correlation with power on PV, represent two weeks 9 to 26 January, 2014 The energy production / month, 2014
Analysis of PV module with IR thermovision camera 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Conclusion This research work was focused on the study of PV that generated energy over one year for a residential house in Bucharest, Romania. The result of the measurements performed in real time showed that the power output is closely related to the solar radiation, depending on the season. IR imaging show that the PV module analyzed in this work has a solar cells exhibiting a higher temperature compared with others. The results show that the high temperature of solar cell is because lose energy through heat, actually that energy of solar cell is consumed by cells instead to producing energy. The cause of overheated solar cells may be because of dust deposition over surface of PV, manufacturing defect or because of climatic factors stress such as: snow, rain, higher temperature, humidity, etc. 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July
Thank You for Your Attention! 39th ARA Congress 2015, Frascati, Rome, Italy -28 to 31 July Acknowledgment The work has been funded by the Sectorial Operational Programmer Human Resources Development of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/