STUDENT INFORMATION MEETING 2013 William J. Palmer High School
WE CARE….. We care about our school We care about learning We care about each other
General Discipline policies It the responsibility of all students to be familiar with Palmer Discipline Policies (we can’t cover them all in this presentation) You can access discipline information on our website by clicking on Student Discipline Handbook
Student IDs All students are expected to have their IDs on them at all times Your ID must be include your current schedule You are expected to show your ID immediately to any adult who asks to look at it If you do not have your ID, a new one will be made for you and you will be charged $5.00
Our Campus Palmer High School is a closed campus except at lunchtime At all other times besides lunch, students are expected to stay on campus, unless prior arrangements have been made. During free periods, students should be working in the library or the Eagle Wing The only acceptable student entrances into the main building are the Front Nine and the Weber Doors. Students are not allowed on elevators or fire stairs without written permission Students must have a parking permit to park in school lots or they will be ticketed
Attendance Academic success is directly linked to attendance It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that parents call in excused absences 15 unexcused absences will result in loss of privilege to attend dances and games and to participate in extra-curricular activities.
Bullying and Harassment We care about each other Perpetrators of bullying or harassment and supporters of bullying or harassment are not tolerated at Palmer High School Talk to an administrator or contact Safe2Tell anonymously if you observe or are a victim of bullying or harassment SAFE
Cyber Awareness Anything you say or do online can and will be used against you in a bullying or harassment case Creating, sharing or possessing any Sext can bring a felony charge if the picture is of a person under the age of 18
Theft Theft is a concern in any place with large numbers or people. Palmer High School is not responsible for your personal items and we recommend keeping valuables at home You must lock your valuables away every time Please download the “Where’s my Droid?” or “Find my Iphone” apps. We catch many phone thieves with these two apps.
Electronics Possession of electronics (mp3 players, ipods, cell phones, etc.) is not a right, it is a privilege Bringing such items to school is an implicit agreement to surrender such items whenever asked to by an adult Electronic devices may be used during passing periods and at lunch time Electronic devices may not be used during class time without teacher approval. Devices should be confiscated if they are visible without teacher approval.
Downtown Community You are a member of the Downtown Community Please act respectfully downtown and in the Diags Be careful crossing the streets. Several students were hospitalized last year after being hit by cars. Some cases were students jaywalking and other cases were drivers not paying attention. Regardless, be careful.
Dress Code Shorts should be mid-thigh Tops should have shoulder straps at least two fingers thick and should not expose cleavage or stomach (including on the sides) Pants and shorts should not sag below the waist Clothing must not have inappropriate messages (drugs, alcohol, weapons, gang symbols, vulgarity) Hats and bandannas will be confiscated until the end of the month if worn inside.
Discussion Questions What does it mean to be a member of the downtown community? What is ok and not ok to wear to school? Where should students be throughout the day? How do I care for myself and my property? How has the Student ID policy changed? Why is attendance important? How can Facebook/Twitter/Instagram affect me in a positive or negative way?