NJHS Website 0 Instead of monthly meetings, we will be communicating with you through the NJHS website. It is your responsibility to check this website each Monday for announcements and information!!!
Stampede Meeting Dates 0 You will meet with your committee during stampede on the times chosen by the committee leader. Check the NJHS website for these meeting times.
Probation / Dismissal 0 Grades 0 Checked every 3 weeks 0 Must maintain a 90 average or better – NO ROUNDING 0 1 st drop below 90 – probation 0 2 nd consecutive drop below 90 – dismissal 0 Missed Meetings 0 2 nd unexcused absence/semester – probation 0 3 rd unexcused absence/semester – dismissal 0 Conduct 0 Office referrals are reviewed on a case by case basis 0 Mrs. Ray & Mr. Bland can skip probation if warranted 0 Dismissal hearing will be held before conduct dismissal is issued
T-shirts 0 I am working on the price 0 Orders must be prepaid 0 Orders forms will be on the NJHS website when information has been received. 0 Order forms will be available outside Mrs. Ray’s room (904) and Mr. Bland’s room (704) beginning next week
EXPECTATIONS 0 Community Service 0 20 hours for the year 0 10 per semester 0 Hour log can be printed from NJHS website 0 Opportunities can be found on the website as well
Food bagging 0 This is a MANDATORY community service project First United Methodist Church - Grapevine 0 We will have 2 dates during the year 0 Fall dates: 11/04 0 If you plan on attending this date, please Ray at
GES Fall Carnival 0 Grapevine Elementary School Carnival * Saturday, November 3th 1:00-4:00 * Sign up for at least a 2 hr shift *12:30 - 2:30 * 2:30 - 4:30 or both * Assigned on a first come, first serve basis * Will try to honor booth requests,. * Contact Information: * Please state your name, shift choice, and cell#.
Committees – each member is required to participate on a committee 0 Monthly Activity 0 Help plan teacher appreciation & school spirit events 0 Food Drive 0 Thanksgiving food drive for GRACE 0 Pasta for Pennies 0 Spring fundraiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 0 Induction 0 Plan & set up for spring induction ceremony
Committee Sign Ups 0 Procedure: 0 Go to the committee chairman of your choice 0 Take a committee slip 0 Fill out the information 0 Return to Mrs. Ray or Mr. Bland – You must turn your slip in before leaving. This is how we are taking attendance! 0 Watch the website for further details