AIE Policy Coordination Committee on 1 April 2014, Frankfurt.


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Presentation transcript:

AIE Policy Coordination Committee on 1 April 2014, Frankfurt

1. Welcome and approval of the draft agenda 2. Approval of the minutes of

3. Main EU policy developments 3.1 -Briefing on the 2030 Climate and Energy Package 3.2 -Outcome of the Stakeholders WG on the Primary Energy conversion factor for electricity 3.3 -Consultation meeting with Commission for a European Lighting Strategy 3.4 -Posting of workers Directive

3.1 -Briefing on EU Energy policy framework for climate and energy policies 2. EC consultation on review of progress towards 2020 EE objective 3. Horizon 2020: The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 4. Eco-design Directive: System approaches in product policies: overview of energy saving potential 5. Primary energy conversion factor

3.1 Briefing on EU Energy policy framework for climate and energy policies Commission presented on 22 January its Climate and energy package: -Binding target for - 40% CO² emissions -Binding target at EU level but not at MS level -No energy efficiency target but review of the energy efficiency directive and national EE action plans (June 2014) -Review of the ETS

2030 framework for climate and energy policies MEPs voted on 5 February in Plenary session and called for three binding targets for 2030: –a 40% cut in greenhouse gases, compared with 1990 levels; –at least 30% of energy to come from renewable sources; –and a 40% improvement in energy efficiency. This is stronger than the proposal from the European commission last month, that called for 27% of energy to come from renewable sources by the same date and no target for energy efficiency.the proposal from the European commission last month

Next steps: Summit debate in March, followed by further summit talks in June ► political agreement on 2030 climate and energy policy? Commission does not expect to produce a formal legislative proposal until after parliamentary elections in May and a changeover of Commissioners later this year framework for climate and energy policies

3.1 Briefing on EU Energy policy 2. EC consultation on progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency objective and a 2030 energy efficiency policy framework. The Consultation period runs from: 03/02/2014 to 28/04/ On the issues related to energy efficiency policies and measures for 2020 and 2030 (concerning among others energy efficiency of buildings). - Particularly, the replies will provide an important input to the review of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU. They will also be taken into consideration for the follow-up of the Communication “A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030”

3. Horizon 2020: funding programme section/societal-challenges -Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. -Several sections: -Societal challenges: Challenge based approach: -Secure, clean and efficient energy » Focus area: Energy Efficiency Research and demonstration activities within this area will focus on buildings, industry, heating and cooling, SMEs and energy-related products and services, integration of ICT and cooperation with the telecom sector. 3.1 Briefing on EU Energy policy

4. Moving from products to systems: WHY? EPBD: Technical building systems Member States to set system requirements in respect of: Overall energy performance; Proper installation; Appropriate dimensioning, adjustment and control for new, replacement and upgrading of technical building systems Including at least: Heating systems Hot water systems Air-conditioning systems Large ventilation systems or combinations of such systems 3.1 Briefing on EU Energy policy

4. Moving from products to systems Energy Efficiency Directive Central governments that purchase products, services or buildings, insofar as this is consistent with cost effectiveness, economical feasibility, wider sustainability, technical suitability, as well as sufficient competition, shall: purchase only the products belonging to the highest energy efficiency class possible under ELD; purchase only products that comply with energy efficiency benchmarks specified in relevant implementing measure under the EDD;

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Outlook – deadlines: Mid-2014 review of energy efficiency Directive End 2014 – early 2015 review of energy labelling and certain elements of ecodesign By 2017 review of energy performance of buildings directive

(some) Challenges Where does the product stop and where does the system begin? Where does the internal market stop and where do national markets begin? Who is responsible for the placing on the market and/or the putting into service? How to undertake market surveillance on (bespoke) systems? What are the most suitable legal instruments to address system efficiency?

4. Moving from products to systems: Recommendations for policy: Source: BRE study for DEFRA (2011) ‘Policy Making for Energy Saving in Systems’ Initial steps 1. Identify serviceable functions and most promising potentials 2. Decide what type and level of intervention is practicable 3. Investigate current system benchmarks 4. Check potential conflicts with existing legislation 5. Define the system using an extended product approach 6. Justify the choice of the system vs product/component

3.2 -Outcome of the Stakeholders WG on the Primary Energy conversion factor for electricity Outcome of stakeholders’meeting on primary energy conversion factor: In legislative acts such as EPBD, the Energy Efficiency Directive and both eco-design and energy labelling Directive, the Conversion Coefficient factor (2,5) is used to define and express the energy efficiency of electric products - On 17 December, an addition to the consultation on the energy labelling directive and aspects of the Ecodesign Directive was exclusively dedicated to the primary energy conversion factor was published! - European association stakeholders meeting in the electricity sector met on 28 November and 17 January → joint letter addressed to high level EU officials on 27 February!

Direct response from the new Director General, Dominique Ristori on Letter has circulated inside the DG Energy Official support from Member States: Finland, Belgium and Denmark

3.3 - Consultation meeting with Commission for a European Lighting Strategy Some Issues for a European Strategy on Lighting (3) Stimulating large-scale SSL uptake in cities and buildings? How to further support SSL uptake in cities ? Any new perspectives since the publication of the "Lighting the Cities" report? How to stimulate SSL uptake in buildings ? The public sector as lead market ? What can industry do, e.g. to showcase the benefits ? How to leverage the move to smart buildings and smart cities as drivers ? How to create more consumer awareness ? What can industry and consumer associations do to improve the knowledge and awareness of consumers ? Objectives & targets ?

Some Issues for a European Strategy on Lighting (4) ■Stakeholder involvement, partnering and potential high impact actions ? –Which specific high-impact actions could be proposed ? Where to focus on to have impact and a multiplying effect ? How can such actions be co-developed with the stakeholders ? ■How to improve funding frameworks, e.g. access to finance, EIB, ESIF?

Summary: -New impetus to stimulate the market from innovation and market transformation -Comfort, human centric lighting -EC will zoom in on certain issues (residential retrofit market, intelligent lighting solutions, open standards, from ledification to digitalisation, market surveillance, -Extra input can still always be sent in writing

Council approved a compromise text on an enforcement directive on the posting of workers directive 2 main problems: -art 9: control measures -Council: only the construction sector and non exhaustive indicative list of measures to ev. Be completed by each MS -Parliament: all sectors, compulsory measures for all MS, prior mandatory notification -art.12: subcontracting liability (article 12) - solidarity principle –Parliament: unlimited liability on all subcontracting chain <> Council 3.4 Posting of workers Directive (Directive 96/71/EC)Directive 96/71/EC

3.4 Diverse Public Procurement Directive The European Parliament plenary session voted on the proposed Directive on public procurement on 15 January 2014

E-learning system in Germany « Multimedia apprenticeships and further training careers »

5. Any other business –Candidates for Vice Presidency? –COD 2014: business programme? –CEETB state of play –AIE Contributions and membership: AECOPS letter POSEH

–Proposals of EU projects: Indoor lighting project : –Uptake of SSL technologies and outreach through dissemination and demonstrations of the Lighting for People Innovation Platform Professional high level training in PV Technology issue for experienced technicians, young graduate engineers of universities and vocational centres (special emphasis on practical part) 5. Any other business

Dates of next events/meetings Council of delegates: September 2014 Euroskills 2014 Lille: 1- 5 October 2014 PCC meetings: 4 June, Brussels? 11 September jointly with GSC, Portoroz 27 November, Brussels

Joint GS meetingwith GCI-UICP: 6 May 2014 Separate meeting in the morning 10.00—12.00 Common meeting : –Theme: Energy (efficiency) Services: why doesn’t it happen? What should be done? –Format: 2/3 speakers’ pres. + round table sessions with Q&A –Topics: Barriers & opportunities, preprocurement dialogue, energy performance contracting, ESCO’s, RoI –11 September, Portoroz –26 November, Brussels 7. Dates of next GSC meetings in 2014